Mpox in the Sandbox: What’s Lurking in the Shadows of Childhood

YOGYAKARTA – Monkeypox disease or monkey pox has been declared a global health emergency. Mpox is a zoonotic or viral disease that is transmitted from animals to humans. This dangerous virus itself has spread to Indonesia with the discovery of 88 confirmed cases, according to the page

You need to be aware that Monkeypox disease mostly attacks children. Based on data from UNICEF, it is recorded that more than half of Mpox cases in Congo are experienced by children. Meanwhile in Burundi, as many as 60 percent of Mpox cases infect children and adolescents under 20 years of age.

The Indonesian government itself has anticipated the spread of the monkey pox virus in Indonesia. So what is the reason the Mpox virus attacks children more often? This needs to be understood by increasing awareness and prevention of Mpox disease.

Reasons why Mpox attacks children more often

Young children are a group that is vulnerable to being infected by the Mpox virus. According to the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention, children and teenagers can contract this virus through contact with infected people or animals or contaminated materials.

The spread of the Mpox virus in children can occur from close skin-to-skin contact. For example, holding hands, hugging, or sleeping on the same bed. What’s even more frightening is that this virus can be transmitted to the fetus in pregnant women. Apart from that, newborn babies can also be infected with the Mpox virus.

YARSI University Postgraduate Director, Prof. Tjandra Yoga Aditama, stated a number of reasons why Mpox attacks children more often. The following are several factors that make Mpox disease susceptible to children according to the former Director of Infectious Diseases at WHO Southeast Asia:

Mpox Virus Variant ‘Clade 1b’ Infects Various Groups

The Clade 1b variant of the Mpox virus is now capable of transmitting in various age groups, including children. The transmission ability of this virus is different from the spread of previous variants which occurred more frequently in adults.

Social Conflict and Displacement in Africa

Several countries in Africa that are experiencing conflict are experiencing massive population movements. This displacement situation is often accompanied by health problems, including an increased risk of spreading mpox.

Malnutrition or Malnutrition

Malnutrition is one of the main factors that increases children’s susceptibility to Mpox infection. Malnutrition in children will weaken their immune system, making children more susceptible to disease.

Various Other Disease Outbreaks That Hit

Apart from Mpox, African countries are also facing outbreaks of other diseases such as cholera, polio and measles. These various health problems also worsen the health situation and increase the risk of spreading mpox.

Low Immunization Coverage

Low immunization coverage in several African countries means that many children are not protected from various diseases, including Mpox.

Limited Health Facilities

Limited health facilities both in terms of diagnosis and treatment also make handling Mpox cases difficult. Especially handling in remote areas.

Health Awareness is Still Low

Low health awareness in the community also influences the ease of transmission of the Mpox virus. In a society like this, they are usually less aware of the risks and dangers of disease.

Narrow Living Environment

Many children in Africa sleep crowded into cramped quarters. Living habits like this increase the possibility of transmitting the virus through close physical contact.

Direct Contact when Playing in Crowds

Children often play in groups or groups. This habit also increases direct contact and makes it easier for the virus to spread.

These are some of the reasons Mpox disease attacks children more often. Various conditions in children greatly influence the potential for contracting the Mpox virus. To prevent this, people are required to pay attention to and maintain the health and cleanliness of the surrounding environment. Also read about the use of the Mpox vaccine in Indonesia.

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