MP takes action against Alfaro and Palomo for revealing confidential information in the Semilla corruption case – 2024-08-04 06:34:54

He Public ministry gave a press conference on August 2 regarding recent statements by TSE officials y Presidency about about Actions related to Semilla corruption case.

The conference was attended by the Secretary General, Angel Pineda; and the agents of the Special Prosecutor’s Office against Impunity (Feces), Rafael Curruchiche y Leonor Morales.

According to the details provided by the officials of the Public Ministry, they are The President’s statements are false of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, Blanca Alfaroon the kidnapping of Electoral Register by the research entity.

They stressed that the Electoral register is public; however, they assured that this does not appear in the seized documents during raids and requirements by the Semilla corruption case.

The authorities of the Public ministry They indicated that the judge who is hearing the case was asked temporary lifting of reservation statusin order to provide details of the remarks made by Alfaro.

In addition, prosecutors indicated that the Government of the Republic has used official media to attack the Public ministry on the alleged seizure of the Electoral Registerwould have result in a false fact.

As a result, the Public Prosecutor’s Office indicated that it would certify the relevant matters. against officials y Public employees who would have participated in the dissemination of the information that was under reserve.

One of the government officials who has Santiago Palomo has recently referred to the casehead of the Secretariat of Social Communication.

Due to this situation, the measure will be to request the withdrawal of right of preliminary trial against presiding judge of the TSE, Blanca Alfaroand the secretary Pigeon.

In the case of Santiago PalomoThe fiscal Leonor indicated that the official may have incurred abuse of authority having disclosed the information that was in reserva.

The MP indicated that the case is back under reservation while develop the investigations.

MP Conference

Criticism of the government

At the beginning of the conference, the secretary Angel Pineda referred to recent statements by Guatemalan Government officials.
He assured that officials have issued opinions regarding cases and resolutions that are unknown.

“It seems that the Executive has a vision that only what they say should be done. They forget that we are in a republican systemwhere the law rules, not a king. What must be done is what establishes the law y Nobody is above her“, argument.

He also said that President Bernardo Arévalo is no longer in campaign and that “it is given to him forget“that the State has more institutions.
He said that the government should “focus on working and not attacking the Public Prosecutor’s Office with lies and falsehoods.”

He also referred to the conference given by the president Arevaloin which he pointed to the attorney general Maria Consuelo Porras to be a corrupt character.

Santiago Palomo reacts

Secretary Santiago Palomo reacted to the MP’s statement and wrote on his account on social network X: “Today, more convinced than ever that this country is going to change.”

He added: “From the Secretariat of Social Communication of the Presidency (SCSP) we will continue to speak the truth, fight corruption and serve the people of Guatemala with dignity.”

The SCSP was also consulted about the MP’s accusations against Palomo and indicated: “the MP’s action demonstrates the desperation and weak position in which they find themselves.

He said: “They are cornered and alone. The lack of arguments and evidence is evident against a democratic and legitimate election process, and against a government that promotes the changes that the people demand and that faces the corruption that the MP itself leaves unpunished.”

You may be interested in: TSE responds to the MP for accusations and says that the electoral register has “sensitive data”

He added: “We remind that the position of Secretary of Social Communication of the Presidency enjoys the right to preliminary hearing and that any action that diminishes or threatens that protection is illegal. The legal actions to be taken are being analyzed.”

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