MP sets out reasons for changing the charge against surgeon Kevin Malouf

At the hearing to extend the accusation, the Public Prosecutor’s Office (MP) requested to change the crime for which he is accused Plastic surgeon Kevin Malouf for the disappearance and death of Floridalma Roquewho came to his clinic to undergo cosmetic surgery.

The prosecutor in charge of the case, Marlon Ordóñez, explained that Malouf He allegedly dismembered Roque’s body with a serrated saw and placed the remains in a pit in San Vicente Pacaya, Escuintla, after the woman lost her life during a surgical intervention that the doctor was performing on her.

Initially, the MP accused Malouf of plagiarism and obstruction of criminal proceedings, for which reason he now requested that instead of that crime he be charged with homicide.

The prosecutor explained that the victim had a serious complication that was noticeable after the surgery.

“A glucose test was performed and the glucose level was over 300. The cardiologist who was treating Roque had recommended that glucose levels above 200 should be given special attention. Another glucose test was performed which showed 350 and a final one which showed 400, which is why he suffered a first heart attack and then another, which is where he died,” the prosecutor said.

Why the change in crime?

The prosecutor explained that with the extension of the accusation, the crime of kidnapping and abduction disappears, because the victim left the clinic lifeless, was dismembered and her remains were thrown into a pit.

He explained that the fact falls within the crime of homicidebecause long before the victim presented complications in the surgery Malouf He already had a team that was going to help him make the body disappear.

The doctor Malouf and Dr. Lydia Viviana Silva Moreira, as her assistant physician and anesthesiologist, were aware of the victim’s health status.

Images Elmer Vargas

He added that both are medical professionals and are aware of the risks that a person with high glucose levels runs when undergoing surgery.

He added that when the patient had her first heart attack, she should have been transferred to a specialized clinic for treatment.

He also pointed out that the surgeon already had a team that would support him in making the body disappear in case Roque passed away.

“There were preparatory actions to evade responsibilities or conceal crimes,” the prosecutor told the judge.

In addition, forensic anthropology analysis indicates that the skeleton has cuts made with a serrated saw; it was not a fortuitous situation, he said.

Floridalma Roque’s son speaks out

The son of Floridalma RoqueJosé López, indicated that he agreed with the accusations of the MP.

He added: “The doctor Kevin Malouf He mutilated my mother, he tore her into pieces. In the images of the skeleton, you could see that she had several cuts. Kevin Malouf cut my mother into six pieces, and he is still presumed innocent.”

“What he did to my mother was done with malice aforethought, premeditation and advantage,” she said.

You can also read: “They used serrated saws to cut the corpse”: New facts are alleged in the Floridalma Roque case

The hearing is rescheduled

The hearing was adjourned and rescheduled for 8:30 a.m. on September 5.

The defendants are expected to submit a new statement taking into account the new charges. MP.

The extension of the accusation also includes nurses Luis Alfredo Castro Molina and Susana Emilia Rojas Cruz, and doctor Lydia Viviana Silva Moreira.

Likewise, a request was made to change the crime for Luis Castro from kidnapping to concealing his own guilt.

Susana Rojas of kidnapping or abduction for complicity in homicide.

Lydia Viviana Silva Moreira, from the crime of kidnapping or abduction to homicide.

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