MP requires the Electoral Registry and requests information from former members of Electoral Boards – 2024-07-26 07:35:05

Blanca Alfaropresiding judge of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE), reported on July 24 that it has unofficial knowledge that the Public ministry ha requested information a former members of the Departmental Electoral Boards and of the Central District.

Alfaro explained that some members he indicated that the Public Prosecutor’s Office has asked and magistrates of the TSE with involved in the prosecution of the data collected in the general elections 2023.

“They have been asked to Answer some questions. Se meet with them and they ask them if We as magistrates We gave them the done document eight, blank ballots, marked yes we had some relationship with it. All aimed at verifying whether they had knowledge of electoral fraud“, he said.

The magistrate explained that since the last week They learned that the former members of the Departmental Boards have been questioned by the MP.

“It is difficult, for us as TSE, because they They are citizens who participated voluntarilycon civics y for the love of the country“, he stressed.

“We hope that this Don’t create a disappointment, fear o fear for the 2027 electionsIt is difficult for us to offer you a protectionwhy we can not. We applaud that you answer the questions, because we are sure as TSE that They will tell the truth and that in At no time were they pressured“, Alfaro said.

The presiding judge added that they have continued the requirements of information towards the TSE and that has been provided as requested.

The TSE also Indian that Special Prosecutor’s Office Against Impunity (Feces) requested the Electoral Registerwhich contains the Detailed information on all voterswhich was given to them.

Seed Case

He Public ministry reported that the requirements are listed as part of the investigation of the Seed Corruption case in phase 3, related to money laundering crime or other assets, which is under reservation.

Regarding the legal status of the party Seed Movementthe TSE indicated that by court order it is provisionally suspended.

Concern about data

Andrea Reyes, a deputy of the suspended party Movimiento Semilla, said that they see with “worry” he Electoral Roll requirement.

“Just as he did with the signatures of the Semilla partywe believe that they can manipulate evidence that they are theoretically receiving. Not only with the aim to annul the 2023 electionsbut of manipulate the upcoming elections“, Reyes said.

“This is what will cause It’s just that no never win a match democratically again“, he said.

“We are certain that the MP through the Feci He never again devoted himself to investigating crimessabotaged very large corruption cases, because they were not paying attention to this kind of actions for which it was created. It used that tool to criminalize people y fabricate evidence against the Semilla party“, the congresswoman added.

“We know that they lost the electoral records and that is why now They seek all means to delegitimize the electionseven though the government has been almost seven months“, he concluded.

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