MP presents progress on the complaint of Colombian paramilitaries (+Details)

The Public Prosecutor’s Office announced on Thursday the progress of the investigation into the complaint filed by Colombian paramilitaries.

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Prosecutor Saab reported that during the meeting they raised “International Criminal Cooperation mechanisms for the exchange of information”“This is in order to cooperate between both nations on the complaint of a group of Colombian paramilitaries who claim to have been contacted by sectors of the Venezuelan extreme right. “to trigger terrorist acts during the election campaign“.

Therefore, the Prosecutors of Venezuela and Colombia agreed on the following:

It was agreed to send a Mutual Legal Assistance where the Public Ministry of Venezuela will put in said writing, request the practice of different procedures such as:

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  • Location and identification of people.
  • Transfers of persons detained for the purpose of appearing as witnesses.
  • Documents delivery.
  • Any other form of assistance as long as it is not incompatible with the laws of the Colombian State.
  • The possibility that one of our prosecutors will go to Colombia to gather information.
  • Explore the creation of a Joint Investigation Team, which allows, through a specific instrument signed by both Prosecutors’ Offices, to establish a framework for cooperation and coordination that is stable over time to carry out investigations in the territory of one or both countries.

With information from RRSS.

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2024-07-14 02:58:41



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