MP David Guiraud Controversy and Anti-Semitic Allegations in One Piece Tweet

2024-01-04 12:04:19

A tweet and a new unease for rebellious France. FI MP David Guiraud is starting his year by adding controversy to controversy. Targeted by a complaint filed by the Jewish Observatory of France following comments about Israel made during a trip to Tunis in November, the elected official from the North responded on the social network Japanese One Pieceadapted from the manga of the same name.

In this short video, a character, Doflamingo, complains that people are trying to silence him while he denounces the crimes of the celestial dragons, a caste of ultra-rich who act as a “world government” in the universe created by Eiichiro Oda. This post raises a new anti-Semitism lawsuit against the FI after, in particular, the comments of Jean-Luc Mélenchon against Yaël Braun-Pivet.

The work itself has nothing to do with the subject. The celestial dragons embody, if we favor a left-wing reading of One Piece, a totalitarian super-aristocracy, in a story where the question of emancipation is central. Caricatures of above-ground elites, they wear diving suits so as not to breathe the same air as the poor.

MP denies accusations

But the expression “celestial dragons” has also been used for several years by the fascist sphere to designate the “global Jewish conspiracy” without using the word and thus escaping the vigilance of algorithms. An old practice: the anti-Semitic polemicist Alain Soral popularized the expression “organized community” in his time. And today’s anti-Semites also refer to the slogan “Who?” ”, rhetorical question to which the answer is irremediably “the Jews”. This is what we call, in Internet jargon, “dog whistle”. A casual appeal to a certain audience: most people will not have the reference ; those who must understand it will understand.

Did David Guiraud know? The person concerned, who has already cited One Piece on various subjects during his mandate, quickly removed the incriminating tweet, while denying himself of having drawn on an anti-Semitic imagination: “Celestial dragons are not a religion or a » race « and if you think so, you read it wrong One Piece. It is a military alliance of powerful people who crush others. They are not hated for who they are, but for what they do to others. But I don’t want to offend anyone, so I prefer to delete. » A clumsy justification at best from the MP already accused of having taken lightly the October 7 attacks perpetrated by Hamas. In a press release published on X (formerly Twitter) Wednesday January 3, the parliamentarian also affirms that his “private home was targeted by serious malicious acts”, “a few hours ago. »

His rebellious colleague Ugo Bernalicis came to his rescue a little earlier by writing, still on “Big News Morgans strike again”. A reference to another character from One Piecean unscrupulous journalist who always falsifies facts for the benefit of the powerful.

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Way of saying that the French press would have created a controversy from scratch. We almost miss the time when politicians were content to despise manga. This at least avoided quoting them indiscriminately.

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