He swears he only had “a glass or two” with our colleagues from Liberationwhen the director of the play Lettres à Anne, which was played Tuesday evening at the Lepic theater in Paris, considered him rather “totally drunk”. The deputy of Val-d’Oise Aurélien Taché would probably have done well without this story. Far from the news of the Assembly and of parliamentary life.
The chosen one is accused by Benjamin Guillard of having so disturbed the play that it had to be interrupted, at the request of an actor. “This evening, the deputy Aurélien Taché, totally drunk, deeply disturbed the representation, can we read. Talking loudly, applauding absurdly, insulting the comedian until the latter stops and asks him to leave. He then lamentably threatened the manager with reprisals. It was absolutely mind-blowing and lamentable”.
Sentenced in September for insulting police officers
Our colleagues from Liberation were able to reach the deputy, who does not really seem to understand this little controversy. He says he is surprised by these “accusations” and concedes having “naively disrupted the performance” by applauding. Regarding the annoyance of the actor, who asked him to go out, Aurélien Taché explains it by events not only related to his behavior. “At the same time a phone rang, which added to the hubbub. Then I wanted to clap quietly, waving my hands. What the actor did not understand, and so he asked me out.
The chosen one would therefore have executed, but not in silence. ” That’s what I did ! Admittedly by grumbling, saying that it was inadmissible, but I left, ”he said. Contacted by Le Figaro, the president of the environmental group in the Assembly Cyrielle Châtelain indicates that she has not succeeded in joining the deputy of her parliamentary group, but says she is however shocked by what has been said in the press. Does Aurélien Taché risk sanctions? The hypothesis does not seem to be excluded. “We have rules of procedure in our group”, reminds the deputy EELV to our colleagues. The members of the group might therefore be consulted to decide on possible sanctions.
This is not the first time that the elected official has been talked regarding in the news section. On September 8, Aurélien Taché was ordered to pay a fine of 5000 euros for insulting police officers. After being the victim of an attack in a bar in Niort, he ended up insulting the police who arrived on the spot with “baqueux de merde”, according to police testimonies reported by Le Point. A reaction that his lawyer had justified by “the physical and psychological shock he had just suffered”.