Moutsina’s title, the new team of #Kalytera & the comeback in ANT1 – 2024-07-31 23:54:34

Moutsina’s title, the new team of #Kalytera & the comeback in ANT1
 – 2024-07-31 23:54:34

Developments regarding the much-discussed return of Nikos Moutsinas they saw the light of day on television sets. “NM Evenings” seems to be the title of the famous presenter’s new show, according to Zappit. As YouFly had announced a few hours earlier, the show will finally be broadcast and not live on tape, something that had initially fallen on the table. At the same time, Nikos Moutsinas, together with the Alpha people, is looking for suitable broadcast days, avoiding the weekend and preferring Thursday and Friday. At the same time, we have an unexpected return in the recommended new weekend breakfast prepared by ANT1. Thanasis Patras, according to the report of Giorgos Bezas for Znews, will have Eleni Fotopoulou, who we previously met through “Eleni”, at his side. In the (huge) team of the show will be Dimitris Panopoulos, Despina Kambouri, Evelina Nikoliza, but also Miltos Makridis.

Renewed comes “Kalytera te keida” with Natalia Germanou tthe coming season. The rumors of the last few weeks seem to be confirmed and finally the two positions of the outgoing partners are covered by Eliana Chrysikopoulou and Angelos Vourakis. All the other members of the show are stable, namely Panagiotis Raphaelidis, Natalia Argyraki, Yiannis Kordonis, Christos Koutras and Konstantinos Antonatos, with Vassilis Drymousis leading the team behind the cameras.

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#Moutsinas #title #team #Kalytera #comeback #ANT1



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