Moussa Faki Mahamat discusses the limits of sanctions

Addis Ababa, Feb 18 (APS) – The Chairperson of the African Union (AU) Commission, Chadian Moussa Faki Mahamat, stressed on Saturday in Addis Ababa the need to re-examine “the system of resistance” to unconstitutional changes, in order to make it more effective and more concerned with the economic and social conditions of the populations.

“It seems to me necessary to re-examine the system of resistance to unconstitutional changes to make it more effective against evil and more concerned with the economic and social conditions of the populations”, he declared in particular at the opening of a summit. AU Heads of State and Government.

This summit continues until Sunday in Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital.

In accordance with the charter of its Peace and Security Council, the AU systematically takes the decision to suspend from its proceedings Member States in which an unconstitutional change occurs.

The Chadian diplomat thus questioned the relevance of the sanctions imposed on member states following unconstitutional changes of government.

“Obviously, these sanctions do not seem to produce the expected results. On the contrary, they arouse the mistrust of the States concerned and seem to punish the populations more and have a negative impact on the economies of the countries targeted”, argued the President of the Commission. of the AU.

According to Moussa Faki Mahamat, this was one of the angles from which the reform of the African organization’s Peace and Security Council should be “seriously considered”.

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