Mouscron: four young Northerners die in a road accident – 07/15/2024

On the evening of this Sunday, July 14, 2024, a 4×4 with on board four young northernershit two trees along an expressway in Mouscron, in the direction Mouscron-Dottignies. The vehicle exploded on impact and burst into flames. When the firefighters arrived, the four passengers in the SUV, aged 20 to 22had already died. A fifth victim, seriously injured, was taken to the emergency room of Mouscron hospital.

According to initial findings of the investigation, the driver of a Range Rover registered in Germany, driving at almost 200 km/hlost control of his vehicle while exiting the tunnel. The car hit a tree, then a second, before exploding from the violence of the impact. The explosion was heard several hundred meters away, according to witnesses.



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