Mourning “Nong Ice”, the 19th victim of the fire “MOUNTAIN B”

from the eventfireMOUNTAIN B” Pub at Sattahip District, Chonburi Province until the cause of tourists who entered the service, killed 18 people and injured a large number of them

Most recently, at 2:50 a.m. today, Aug. 15, 65, Mrs. Weena, 54 years old, special teacher Wat Ban Laeng Community School, the mother of “Nong Ice” Athitaya Has posted a message on Facebook that Nong Ice Aditya left us peacefully at 2:50 am, asking everyone to say #sapphthami in order for the younger to go to a better world

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For Miss Arthitaya Insiri or “Aunt Ice” 23 years old, is the girlfriend of Mr. Chatchai Chuenkha or Im, 30, the lead singer who died at the scene by Nong Ice ran away. but was seriously injured before being sent to Chonburi Hospital for treatment and later died from the incidentfireChonburi Pub “MOUNTAIN B“It’s now the 19th person who died in a pub fire.

#My condolences to the family.
#Don’t let anyone lose again
#May all the injured recover from their injuries and be safe.

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