Molds for the injection of thermoplastics – Choice of steels: Complete file

2024-05-28 22:00:00

The main factors affecting the longevity of plastic injection tools are the design, mechanical construction and choice of materials. The cost of tooling is often very high and mainly consists of the manufacture of the imprints. The cost of steels is proportionally low. This is why the choice of steels is mainly done on technical criteriathe purchase price being secondary. A judicious choice allows you to act effectively to considerably increase the life of the tools.

Material property requirements are specific to the mold frame, cavities, and moving parts. They include impact resistance, yield strength, thermal conductivity, chemical resistance, wear resistance, and suitability for machining, heat treatment, and polishing.

The properties of steels depend above all on their composition and heat treatment: knowledge of the influence of these parameters on the specific needs related to the injection of plastic materials makes it possible to optimize the longevity of the tools. However, the practice of heat treatments presents risks linked to the specificity of the steels generally chosen. Taking these phenomena into account makes it possible to considerably reduce the danger of destroying the impressions during treatments.

The process of obtaining steel also allows for very significant optimization of certain properties essential for specific applications in plastics.

In some situations, these properties cannot be obtained with steels. The use of other materials makes it possible to satisfy sometimes conflicting needs.

The mechanical and chemical constraints to which the materials constituting the mould are subjected are examined. The main effects of heat treatment on their physicochemical properties and the structural mechanisms associated with them are described in detail. Finally, the selection of materials and heat treatments is specified and supported.

#Molds #injection #thermoplastics #Choice #steels #Complete #file



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