Asked by the Minister of Transport to make a “gesture” in favor of the purchasing power of the French, Vinci Autoroute has announced a 10% discount on the tolls of its motorways, which applies to users who pay by holiday voucher . How do we do that ? We explain to you.
A 10% discount for users of motorways managed by Vinci. This is the message sent by the company this Monday, July 11, in response to the call from Clément Beaune, the Minister of Transport. “We are fully aware of the purchasing power problems encountered by the most modest French people when they go on vacation,” the company wrote in a press release posted on Twitter.
In response, “Vinci Autoroutes has decided, in addition to the price moderation measures (mentioned earlier in the text, editor’s note), to grant on its network, 10% reduction on toll expenses paid by means of holiday vouchers deposited on Ulys electronic toll badges Liber-t-Vacances.
This measure applies from July 14 to September 15 and therefore only concerns users in possession of an electronic toll badge. To use your holiday vouchers, you will therefore need to credit your badge online. This Wednesday, July 13, Vinci gave details on the operation of the offer.
How and when is the discount made?
The discount works in the form of a top-up, i.e. a sum credited back to your account. It is not immediate. Vinci specifies that
- For any payment taken into account between June 1 and July 20 : the contribution will be paid on July 27.
- For any payment taken into account between July 21 and August 20 : the contribution will be paid on August 22.
- For any payment taken into account between August 21 and September 15 : the contribution will be paid on September 16.
Until when does the offer work?
The offer is limited in time for payment of holiday vouchers on your account. You cannot credit holiday vouchers which generate the discount only from this Thursday, July 14 until September 15. On the other hand, the contribution that you have received can be used indefinitely over time.
Are there any costs to be expected?
Vinci specifies that no management fee is charged in the months when payments are made by Chèques-Vacances”.
If the subscription is free and without obligation, be careful, however, once the offer is over, the months in which you use your badge, the management fee is 2 euros. The subscription remains free the months when you do not use the badge.
How to use your paper holiday vouchers?
To do this, go to your subscriber area, click on the “Subscription” tab and then on “Make a payment” and then indicate the amount and the number of each Paper holiday vouchers. You can only top up a maximum of 250 euros per yearwhat on the discount valid for two months, will represent a maximum of 25 euros.
Once the checks have been added, you must print the amount and number of each paper Chèque-Vacances and send it along with the declared Chèques-Vacances to the following address: VINCI Autoroutes, TSA 70003, 93811 Bobigny Cedex 9.
And your dematerialized holiday vouchers?
If, on the other hand, you have dematerialized holiday vouchers, go to the section “My Chèques-Vacances balance”, then “make a payment” and select “Vacation check Connect“.
You launch the payment request, which must be for a minimum of 20 euros. Then you will be redirected to the holiday vouchers application on which you will confirm the amount.