Motorola announces that it has invested more than R$500 million in research in the Amazon since 2018

2023-11-29 18:30:00

A Motorola announced this week that it has already invested more than R$500 million in Research and Development (R&D) in the Amazon since 2018 through partnerships with universities and Institutes of Science and Technology (ICTs) in Amazonas, Acre, Amapá and Rondônia.

According to the company, there are already 14 laboratories implemented, more than 500 students trained, around 50 projects developed, in addition to 40 scientific publications. The amount invested is a counterpart to the so-called Information Technology Law.

The company also announced a partnership with the Federal University of Manaus to expand the UFAM Computing Institute building, with eight new classrooms and four research laboratories. The company contributed R$25 million to this project.

The PWR2LEARN platform, which brings together extension and technology training courses from several universities in the country, was also launched by Motorola. This system should serve more than 500 undergraduate and postgraduate students (master’s and doctorate).

Also according to Motorola, the laboratories include areas dedicated to camera and performance research, information security, device intrusion detection, among other projects that seek to improve the manufacturer’s own devices.

It is worth remembering that Motorola started cell phone production in Manaus in 2017, to complement its manufacturing operation in Jaguariúna, São Paulo, to consolidate its presence in the Brazilian market.

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