2023-09-23 14:35:00
In terms of motorization, the border between Brussels and its immediate periphery is clear. If the majority of Brussels households do without a car, this is absolutely not the case in the Flemish Rand, where the number of vehicles per family is closer to the BW than to the capital. This is what emerges from data recently published by Statbel.
In Brussels, 54.5% of households do not have a car… with huge differences depending on the municipality: here are the details by locality (INFOGRAPHIC)
In the Brussels Region, there are approximately 0.57 vehicles per household. In Saint-Josse and Saint-Gilles, this rate reaches 0.33 and 0.34 vehicles per household, namely the lowest in the country. No municipality in Brussels crosses the threshold of 1 car/household.
In the Flemish Rand, on the other hand, all municipalities exceed this rate, with the exception of Drogenbos (0.97 cars per household). In the 19 municipalities on the outskirts of Brussels, the rate is around 1.2 cars per household. A figure higher than the national average.
The most motorized municipality is Rhode-Saint-Genèse, with 1.44 cars per household. Then follow Overijse, Meise and Beersel. On the other hand, it is in Drogenbos, Vilvoorde and Zaventem that we find the fewest vehicles. But even the least motorized municipality in the Rand, namely Drogenbos, displays a motorization rate higher than the Brussels municipality with the most cars per inhabitant (Woluwe-Saint-Pierre).
Walloon Brabant, however, turns out to be even more motorized than the Rand. In particular, we find in the Young Province the municipality with the highest rate in the country: Lasne, with 1.69 cars per household.
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