Motorcycle-loving billionaire crowned new king of Malaysia

The ceremony for the accession of Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar took place on Saturday in the National Palace in Kuala Lumpur. The 65-year-old wore a traditional coat decorated with gold motifs and a royal headdress. He promised to abide by the constitution and “uphold the religion of Islam and ensure peace in Malaysia”.

Sultan Ibrahim took his oath as the country’s 17th king in January, and now the traditional coronation ceremony followed. He comes from the southern province of Johor on the border with Singapore. The financial company Bloomberg estimates his and his family’s wealth at at least $5.7 billion (€5.3 billion). The 65-year-old is also known for driving through the poor areas of the country on his Harley-Davidson motorcycle every year and distributing donations.

A special feature of Malaysia is that the king rotates every five years; the nine former kingdoms of Malaysia select the new monarch for the country. In recent years, the traditionally more representative office has become increasingly important due to political instability. The king oversees the appointment of politicians, acts as the religious leader of the predominantly Muslim population and is the supreme commander of the army.


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