Motor Escort of KB Extension Officer Stealing the Attention of Kulon Progo Citizens

Hundreds of motorbikes ridden by Family Planning Counselors (PKB) and Family Planning Field Officers (PLKB) (Doc)

HUNDREDS of motorbikes ridden by Family Planning Counselors (PKB) and Family Planning Field Officers (PLKB) from various regions on Java Island filled the Ibis Hotel, Kulon Progo, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Friday (23/8/2024).

The two-wheeled vehicle is used daily by Family Planning Extension Workers and Family Planning Field Officers in carrying out their mobility as Family Planning officers, who come from the western tip to the eastern tip of Java Island.

They gathered and held discussions to mobilize the community and the field line through the Family Planning Extension Workers’ Motor Social Service Roadshow (Roadsos) activity ‘Let’s Prevent Stunting’ which took place from 19 to 24 August 2024.

The total number of participants was 840 motorcycles. While those who arrived at the meeting point in Kulon Progo, DI Yogyakarta, were 288 motorcycles.

Starting from the city of Banten on Monday, August 19, 2024, 75 groups of motorcyclists began their journey through various cities towards Kulon Progo, DIY. No less so from East Java, starting their journey from the city of Banyuwangi as many as 220 motorbikes. West Java as many as 245 motorbikes.

Then 200 motorbikes also followed from the city of Semarang, Central Java, which were released by the Head of the Central Java BKKBN Representative on Tuesday, August 20, 2024. And 100 motorcyclists from DI Yogyakarta.

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Welcomed by the Head of the Central BKKBN, doctor Hasto, in Kulon Progo, the next day, Saturday (24/8) the motorcyclists’ convoy had a noble mission. Not only doing a convoy on the road, but the motorcyclists had various missions around the Sermo Reservoir, Kulon Progo, which could provide benefits to local residents.

They provide home renovation assistance for families at risk of stunting (KRS), which is one of the missions carried out by these bikers. Not only that, the bikers also make several stops at several KB service points that they pass.

Doctor Hasto was very touched and appreciated the efforts of the Family Planning Counselors in this event as a means of socialization and Communication, Information and Education (KIE) to the community throughout its journey related to the Family Development, Population, Family Planning (Bangga Kencana) program managed by BKKBN and Acceleration of Stunting Reduction.

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In the social service of house surgery, doctor Hasto gave a message. “In addition to family planning services, we also see that sanitation is very important, because the key to the quality of human resources is also in sanitation. So, today we are carrying out sanitation,” he said while giving a speech in Mojo Baurejo, Kulon Progo.

He also directly reviewed one of the houses of Clapar 3 residents of Hargowilis Village that was renovated. The owner is also a family at risk of stunting with three toddlers, renovated because it is an uninhabitable house. The house does not have a toilet. He realized how hard the struggle of KB counselors and KB cadres in the field was.

“Actually, the biggest factor of stunting, 70% of which influences it, is sanitation. So, the goal is to improve sanitation. Prioritize families who have toddlers or who are pregnant or who are newly fertile couples. They are the ones who will have children, have toddlers who will influence whether there is stunting or not,” he told journalists after the event.

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According to Dr. Hasto, stunting prevention is a program implemented throughout Indonesia. Regarding the development of sanitation infrastructure, BKKBN is collaborating with the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing.

“We have data on families at risk of stunting. Then we work everywhere. Only specifically in Kulon Progo, not the APBD or APBN budget that is used, but our fellow extension workers want to try to do their part during this tour in the context of August 17 and the Anniversary of the Family Planning Extension Workers Association (IPeKB). This is their donation,” added Dr. Hasto.

On the night before the house renovation event, while welcoming PKB at the Ibis Hotel, Kulon Progo, Friday (23/08/2024), Dr. Hasto said that the house renovation program was expected to be a role model.

“That’s called learning material. The house is an example. If the kitchen is not good, the kitchen needs to be fixed. If the toilet is not good, the toilet needs to be fixed. I hope that the homeowners will change their behavior. Those who used to live without maintaining cleanliness, change to maintaining cleanliness.”

“If the bowel movement is still open, the term is ‘open defecation free’ (ODF), tomorrow they will understand that feces should not be open,” he added.

Meanwhile, Deputy for Advocacy, Mobilization, Information (Adpin) of BKKBN, Drs. Sukaryo Teguh Santoso, M.Pd, on the same occasion explained about the Motor Roadsos activity of KB Extension Workers ‘Let’s Prevent Stunting’ in order to commemorate the 17th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia and the Anniversary of the KB Extension Workers Association (IPeKB).

“The point is that this roadshow is an effort to continue to promote the Bangga Kencana program,” he explained.

In fact, said Teguh, this roadshow is not just a tour. PKB stops at 10 points in the west and 10 points in the east. From Ujung Kulon, and from Banyuwangi, it travels to Kulon Progo.

At these points, various activities were held. There were family planning services for the community. There were also discussions with cadres, especially the Family Assistance Team (TPK), while reminding the community about the strategic nature of the Bangga Bencana and Percepatan Reduction of Stunting programs for the national development constellation.

There was also a handover of souvenirs. Gifts for families, social services for KRS. “The enthusiasm was not only from the officers who participated in the roadshow, but also from the cadres who were visited and the local government,” concluded Teguh. (Z-8)

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