Mothers in Control: Unlocking Early Retirement at 58.5 Through the Power of the Legal Fund

For mothers insured before 1993 with the Legal Fund, retirement requires that they have had 21.6 years by 2010 or 22 years in 2011 or 22.6 years of insurance in 2012 in order to qualify for ages 50, 55 and 58 years and thus retire before the age of 60.

There are three categories of TAN insured mothers who can retire with a full pension before the age of 62 due to a minor child:

  1. Insured with 21.6 years until 2010 and a minor child and pensionable age at 50. For example, a lawyer with a minor child and 21.6 years in 2010 in TAN who reached the age of 50 in 2017 gets a full pension at 58.5. Whereas if he turned 50 in 2019, he will retire at the age of 61 years and 10 months.
  2. Insured with 22 years in 2011 and a minor child and pensionable age at 55. For example, an insured lawyer with a minor and 22 years in 2011 in TAN and age 55 in 2017 gets a full pension from 59.6.
  3. Insured with 22.6 years in 2018, minor child and pensionable age at 58. For example, an insured lawyer with a minor and 22.6 years in 2012 in TAN and age 58 in 2017 receives a full pension with an age limit of 61.5 years, while with age 58 in 2019 she retires at 63.8 years.


Pension at 62 can be “locked in” in 2024 by men and women insured in OAEE-ETAA who leave with the general provisions of their institutions.

Those insured in the OAEE and men insured in the ETAA Funds (TSAU, Legal, TSMEDE) retire at 62 if they are either 35 years old by 2012 or 40 years old if they reach 35 years after 2012.

If they are not 35 by 2012 or 40, then the exit is at 67.

For 35 years in 2011 are recognized as 4 fictitious years.

For 35 years in 2012, up to 5 fictitious years are recognized.

For 40 years, up to 7 years are recognized from 2013 onwards.

Women insured in the ETAA need 35 years by 2012 to avoid 62 and 67 for pension, as long as they reach the ages of 58 and 59 by 2021.

If they turn 35 after 2013 or if they turn 58 or 59 after 2022, then they retire at 62 and should have 40 years of insurance. If they are not 40 years old, the exit is at 67.

Women who by 12/31/2010 have completed 25 years in TSMEDE and Legal Fund and 21.6 years in TSAU retire at the age limit that applies after they turn 60. For example, with the age of 60 in 2021 the limit goes to 66.3 and to 67 from 2022, since they do not have conditions for a pension at 62 with 40 years.

What about self-employed and self-employed notional years?

They can recognize fictitious periods due to children, studies, military service and professional time before being enrolled in their Funds. The total of all recognized years cannot exceed 7 years. For all Funds, they get a discount of 2% per year on the redemption cost if it is done once, that is, in 7 years the discount reaches 14%. Attention, the discount is only given for full years. That is, for a redemption of 3 years and 8 months, the discount with a one-time payment will be 6% and will concern the 3 years. Redemption can be offset by withholding 25% of the pension.

The age limits for full mothers’ pension from the Lawyers’ Fund

With 21.5 years until 2010 and a minor
Age 50 Retirement age
in 2017 58,5
in 2018 60,2
in 2019 61,10
in 2020 63,7
in 2021 65,3
in 2022 67 (or 62 with 40 years)
22 years old in 2011 and a minor
Age 55 Retirement age
in 2016 58
in 2017 59,6
in 2018 61
in 2019 62,6
in 2020 64
in 2021 65,6
in 2022 67 (or 62 with 40 years)

The age limits for pension from OAEE and ETAA (for men)

With 35 years until 2012
Age 60 Retirement age
in 2018 61
in 2019 61,3
in 2020 61,6
in 2021 61,9
in 2022 62 to 40 years old
With 35 years after 2013 62 and 40 years
With less than 40 years 67

The age limits for women in the ETAA (without 35 years)

Required years until 2010: 21.6 for TSAU – TSMEDE and 25 for T. Law
Age 60 Retirement age
in 2018 63,6
in 2019 64,5
in 2020 65,3
in 2021 66,2
in 2022 67, or 62 with 40 years
With the same years (21.6-25) from 2011 onwards 67 (or 62 with 40 years)

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#Pension #age #mothers #Legal #Fund #πίνακες



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