Mother’s Day: technology as an ally in the development and bond with children | Article

2023-05-12 14:32:00

By Thamirys Zeviani, Consumer Electronics Division Marketing Manager at Samsung Brazil

Children are increasingly precocious when it comes to technology, so much so that it is common to see little ones with much more skills in devices than some adults. But excessive use of electronic devices without supervision can harm the development and relationship between families. The use of technology needs balance and can even improve the relationship between families, and one of the main points is to understand that the healthy use of screens involves the type of content, when it is used, with whom and for how long adults and children remain. using the devices.

According to NortonLifeLock, a company specializing in cybersecurity, 42% of Brazilian parents allow their children under 18 to access the internet with little or no supervision. This number is worrisome, but it is possible to change this scenario by providing information to these children’s tutors. One of the ways is to set a specific time to consume some educational content with the children on a Smart TV, for example. The virtual stores of these devices have, in addition to streaming applications, interactive games to enjoy with the little ones. The streaming services themselves also have content that stimulates creativity and knowledge.

In addition, high-end televisions and other devices also have parental control tools, where you can control what your child consumes. You can block apps and programs according to age by entering a password and age rating on content inappropriate for young people. Even so, it is not enough just to block inappropriate content, it is necessary that fathers and mothers participate in these activities. Having a movie night at home or playing games as a family can strengthen the bonds between parents and children, in addition to being a fun program for those days at home. It is worth remembering that electronic devices should not be used as “babysitters” or substitutes for family time, but rather as tools that help everyone to experience moments like these.

Another great benefit of technology for a better coexistence between adults and children is its use for education. Several productions on the most varied subjects are available on numerous platforms, and the whole family can learn in a lighter and more fun way by accessing these contents in an easy and practical way. With more awareness and information regarding the potential of technology at hand, mothers and children only have benefits to reap.

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