Mother died of illness “IKEA Shasha” cured silent sister story warmed thousands of people crying | Life | CTWANT

2023-05-16 00:29:56

IKEA shark doll. (Picture/Flipping IKEA Facebook)

Recently, a netizen said that the mentally handicapped sister was very introverted since she was a child. A few years ago, her mother died of colorectal cancer, and the younger sister who was not good at expressing became more silent. Because the younger sister was cured by the shark doll, she is willing to talk more, “Thank you Shasha, let me have a better communication with my sister.”

The original PO recently posted on the forum《Dcard》The post said that her mother passed away from colorectal cancer nearly 3 years ago, but her sister didn’t say much, and she didn’t cry because she was sad. I will send a message to my mother after going out to work, so I told my sister at the funeral that she will send me the message of her safety in the future, so every morning, when my sister goes to work, she will send a message to inform her arrival at the MRT station She got on the MRT, the MRT arrived, and she went to her workplace.”

Even so, the original PO still feels that the younger sister has become more silent and closed. The original PO pointed out, “I was annoyed that I had been away from home for many years, and I had a lot of free time with my sister and mother, until I was overworked because of taking care of my sick mother, and my sister also moved. I came to live with my mother to help accompany my mother, and I spent more time with her. I know my sister’s dependence on my mother. After my mother passed away, I knew the grief in her heart, but I didn’t know how to let my sister open up. At work, to maintain the relationship with each other, let alone how to heal her inner wound.”

On her birthday that year, the original PO received a shark doll, and one day her sister came to the room to take it away. The original PO said, if you like it, I will buy another one for you. “When I took her out for shopping later, she I am very interested in Xiao Shasha. I also bought it for her, and I will also buy line’s Shasha stickers for her. After that, she will hold Shasha and express her thoughts with the role of Shasha, and she is willing to say more In other words, Shasha’s company and soft and cute appearance healed my sister and made me let go a lot.”

After that, IKEA bought another shark doll, and my sister said that she wanted another one. The original PO said that for this reason, she went to buy a genuine Xiaoshasha, “Every big shark and small shark has a name. Whenever my sister wants to buy something, if there is something she wants to tell me, Then he would walk into my room with Shasha in his arms and tell Shasha that he wants to drink soda, buy a new scarf, what he wants to eat for dinner, and what small things he wants to buy. Thank you, Shasha, for making my sister and I have a better life. Communicating, healed my sister.”

After this article was exposed, more than a thousand netizens clicked the emoji, and many people left messages, “Indeed, I can’t speak 100 words a day with others, and I can chat with Shasha tens of thousands of words”, “There is someone like you Brothers and sisters continue to accompany my sister, I believe that my mother can feel at ease in the spirit of heaven”, “I also bought a P help, but it is for myself”, “I also have a very dependent rabbit doll, when I am sad, just Holding it and wiping tears with its ears will give me a lot of comfort.”

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