“Mother and Stepfather Arrested for Forcing Tattoos on Children’s Bodies in Texas, USA”

2023-04-27 05:47:00

Mother and stepfather arrested in case of tattooing on children’s body by force. Knowing that the incident was being investigated, the two cut off the tattooed skin on the children’s body. The two first tried to remove the tattoo by rubbing and scraping the body with lemon juice. This has caused injury to children. But when the tattoo might not be removed, the skin was cut off.

The incident took place in Texas, USA. The nine and five-year-old children were tied up and tattooed by the mother and stepfather. One was tattooed on the shoulder and the other on the hand. After noticing the tattoos on the children’s bodies, their father and stepmother reported the incident to CPS (Child Protective Services), which provides child protection services.

When they came to know regarding the complaint, the accused injured the children to avoid arrest and destroy the evidence. The police have arrested the mother and stepfather on charges of injuring children and illegally detaining them. Officials informed that further investigation is being conducted into the incident.

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