Most In-Demand University Studies in Spain: Nursing and Medicine Lead the Way

2023-07-07 08:41:41

University studies are once again in high demand when it comes to offering work. The data of a new study from Infoempleo and the Adecco Group’s specialized recruitment consultancy, show that Nursing and Medicine careers continue to be the most in demand by companies in Spain.

Specifically, 37.38% of the job vacancies that were published in 2022 requested personnel with university degrees, one more point compared to 2021. An increase that causes Vocational Training studies to be the second option, with 34.75% of the offers.

Most demanded careers in 2022

According to the data from the study, Health Sciences careers continue to be the most demanded by companies with 40.28% of the total. Within this area, Nursing ranks first, followed by Medicine and Biomedicine. These degrees are followed by Education and Pedagogy, Business Administration and Management, the double degree in Business Administration and Law, Computer Engineering, Psychology and Psychopedagogy, Industrial Engineering, Physiotherapy and Telecommunications Engineering.

Despite this first position, Nursing reduces its presence in relation to 2021 by 1.64 percentage points, when it accounted for 12.42% of the offers, behind Medicine, which in 2021 reached 13.41% of the demands employment, that is, 2.89 points less than now.

The Education and Pedagogy degrees experience the greatest growth in the ranking, up to 7.85 points, displacing Business Administration and Management, which continues to decline, although the contribution of the offer remains stable.

According to the report, these falls are an indication of how the care situation in health centers has been normalizing once the worst of the pandemic has passed.

Data by autonomous communities

By autonomous communities there is a lot of difference. The Community of Madrid is the one with the largest number of offers for graduates (19.85%).

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Madrid is followed by Andalusia, which, although it loses half a percentage point, continues to concentrate 13.81% of the offers for university students. Then, Catalonia that brings together 12.84% of the offers and recovers 4 tenths in the last year.
Castilla y León is also consolidated in fourth position, concentrating 10.02% of the country’s offers. All these autonomous communities gather 56.53% of the total.

The communities where, on the contrary, there is less offer are the Basque Country and the Valencian Community. They represent 9.49% and 6.32%, respectively. Castilla-La Mancha appears in seventh place, followed by Galicia and Aragon.

With 2.61% of the offers for university graduates is the Canary Islands followed by Extremadura.

Finally, the Balearic Islands, La Rioja and Asturias are the ones with the lowest proportion of job offers that require a university degree. Cantabria, Navarra and the Region of Murcia are in the middle.

#Nursing #Medicine #careers #job #offers

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