Most Demanded Degrees for 2022: Nursing, Medicine, Education, and Business Administration

2023-07-06 09:17:53

Madrid, July 6 The health crisis continues to condition the demand for degrees and Nursing and Medicine remain, for the second year, as the most demanded by companies followed in third place by degrees in Education and Pedagogy, which remove the position from Business Administration and Management , which moves to fourth place.

According to the report by Infoempleo and the specialized recruitment consultancy of the Adecco Group, published this Thursday, Nursing leads the list of most demanded degrees with 10.78% of the total offers for university students in 2022, followed by Medicine, with 10 .52%, Education and Pedagogy (9.80%) and Business Administration and Management (5.26%).

Despite this first position, Nursing reduces its presence in relation to 2021 by 1.64 percentage points, when it accounted for 12.42% of the offers, behind Medicine, which in 2021 reached 13.41% of the demands employment, that is, 2.89 points less than now.

The degrees of Education and Pedagogy (with 9.80% of the offers) experience the greatest growth in the ranking, up to 7.85 points, displacing Business Administration and Management, which continues to decline although it remains stable in the contribution of the offer.

According to the report by Infoemepleo and the Adecco Group, these falls are an indication of how the care situation in health centers has been normalizing once the worst of the pandemic has passed.

The Community of Madrid, Andalusia, Catalonia and Castilla y León are once once more the communities with the highest percentage of job offers that in 2022 were looking for university graduates, and together they add up to 56.53% of the total.

The Community of Madrid leads, with 19.85%, ahead of Andalusia (13.81%), Catalonia (12.84%) and Castilla y León (10.02%). In 2021, these four autonomies also repeated, in the same order, the first four positions.

The report also reveals that in this last year, university studies have continued to recover part of the ground lost since 2020, increasing their presence in offers by 0.89 points to reach 37.30% of published employment. This makes them the training level most required by companies.

By branch of knowledge, Health Sciences careers continue to be the most in demand for the second consecutive year, with 40.28%, although they decreased 6.68 points compared to 2021, the largest drop.

These are followed by the Social and Legal Sciences careers, which with 37.06% remain in second place and increase their presence in the bid requirements by eight points compared to 2021.

While the degrees in the Engineering and Architecture area, with 20.62%, remain at levels similar to 2021. EFE


#Nursing #Medicine #remain #forefront #degrees #employment



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