[Mosquito bites]Maid who first arrived in Hong Kong developed abnormal erythema and blisters and sought medical attention, revealing that insects caused dermatitis – Hong Kong Economic Times – TOPick – Health – Doctor’s Consultation Room

After spring, there will be more wind and rain, which is easy to breed mosquitoes, so be careful to attract flying ants into the house. A maid contracted a rare dermatitis following beating the queen of flying ants. Dermatologist Ye Ronggen dismantled the risk of infection in related cases.

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Dr Yeh is inFacebook pagePost a rare case. A maid who came to work in Hong Kong was found by the hostess to have a erythema of more than 10 centimeters on her left shoulder when she first arrived at the employer’s house. There were blisters around her, and her skin showed signs of scaly peeling, and it was abnormally itchy. Since the maid came to Hong Kong from other places, she will have to take care of the children for work in the future, so she dared not neglect her condition, so she sought medical treatment immediately.

After the examination, Dr. Ye found that the maid had scratches around the affected area, which seemed sensitive but was not. After careful questioning, the maid showed the doctor the flying insects that might cause allergies that she took on her own initiative. It turned out that the source of the maid’s dermatitis was the flying ants, also known as “Paederus Fuscipes”, that entered the house when they saw the light in the wind and rain.

infection symptoms

In response to this case, Dr. Ye pointed out in an interview with TOPick that the maid herself did not have any other skin diseases, and the above-mentioned problems occurred because she touched and slapped flying ants, and the insects burst and released “Pederin”. Skin contact with these fluids leads to inflammation. Related cases are common in Okinawa, Arizona, and Northern Australia, and there are even disasters, and it is one of the top ten disasters in Exodus; but it is less common in Hong Kong.

Dr. Ye said that generally speaking, people will experience tingling, redness, swelling, and blisters following being exposed to “paederin”, but they will not spread to humans. However, he also reminded that if flying ants carry “Staphylococcus aureus”, the bacteria will be contagious. The doctor explained that although “Staphylococcus aureus” is a common bacterium that exists on the surface of the skin, if a patient with skin diseases such as eczema has a large number of “Staphylococcus aureus” in the affected area, it is easy to make the condition worse.

How to prevent flying ants

In the end, Dr. Ye prescribed antihistamines, topical steroids, and ointments containing antiseptic ingredients to the maid, allowing her to receive timely treatment. Dr. Yip reminded the public to avoid beating flying ants and avoid contact with the “paederin” released from the ruptured ants; if they come into contact accidentally, they should rinse with clean water immediately.

In addition, to prevent flying ants from entering the house, pay attention to close the windows and doors in late summer, especially near the grass. At the same time, flying ants are phototropic and will be attracted by light to enter the house, so avoid turning on the lights in a dark environment around them.

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Reporter: Zhang Pei



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