Morocco’s Guercif-Nador Highway: AfDB Mobilizes 246 Million Euros for Construction

2024-01-18 10:18:19

Par Doha Khaoulani

The African Development Bank (AfDB) announced on Monday the mobilization of 246 million euros for the construction of the Guercif-Nador highway. The financing consists of 200 million euros from the African Development Bank and 46 million euros from the Africa Growing Togetehr Fund (AGTF), specifies the AfDB. The transport sector contributes, all modes combined, to 15% of State revenue and the employment of 5% of the employed active population, representing 2.8 of the national GDP in 2022, notes the press release.

In its press release, the ADB indicates that the project is part of the dynamic of modernization of transport infrastructure and associated services in order to increase the country’s logistical competitiveness and its attractiveness. This financing will notably make it possible to connect the large industrial-port complex of Nador West Med to Morocco’s motorway network and to strengthen connectivity in the Oriental region to attract more investments and generate new economic opportunities and create job.

Read also: Morocco: The ADB mobilizes 246 million euros for the construction of the Guercif-Nador highway

The project aims to improve road safety on the Guercif-Nador axis, and to connect the future port of Nador West Med to the motorway network to contribute to the increase in the volumes of goods transiting there, and the cities of Nador, Guercif and all the cities located on this corridor.

As for the results, it is planned to strengthen the logistical competitiveness of the Oriental region by facilitating access to the port of Nador West Med and its future area of ​​activity, and the reduction of transport costs and vehicle maintenance, in addition to improving road safety on the Guercif-Nador axis. The objective is also to provide the populations of the Oriental region with easier mobility.

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