Morocco welcomes the efforts of the African Union for the political transition in Burkina Faso, Chad, Guinea and Mali

The Ambassador Permanent Representative of the Kingdom to the AU and the ECA-UN, Mohamed Arrouchi, who spoke at a meeting of the AU PSC devoted to the evolution of the political transition process in Burkina Faso, Chad , in Guinea and Mali, emphasized the crucial role of the AU PSC in identifying the most effective ways and means to accompany and support these friendly and brotherly countries in their political transition process, their to restore political stability and social peace.

The Moroccan diplomat also reiterated during this meeting held by videoconference Morocco’s appeal to the entire international community to pay particular attention to the security and humanitarian challenges faced by all countries in the Sahel region.

Advocating for increased regional cooperation to meet these challenges, Mr. Arrouchi called for an inclusive, collective and multidimensional approach in dealing with security, stability and development issues, involving all countries directly or indirectly affected by the evils of the crisis. instability and unconstitutional change of governments.

With regard to the integrated strategy for the Sahel, the Moroccan diplomat made a point of recalling Morocco’s commitment, linked to this region by centuries-old and multifaceted relations, to contribute with the international community to the consolidation of inclusive governance and to the anchoring of an integrated and sustainable development for the benefit of the populations of the countries of the region.

The Moroccan delegation stressed, in this regard, that the mechanisms for implementing these strategies should involve all African countries, emphasizing the importance of the sub-regional organizations concerned, namely the Economic Community of West Africa (ECOWAS), the Community of Sahel-Saharan States (CEN-SAD) and the G5-Sahel in the implementation of strategies aimed at establishing lasting stability in the Sahel region.



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