Morocco rises in the top 5 of the most booked destinations by the French

According to Barometer Orchestra, produced for L’Écho touristique, reservations in January 2023 are up 91% compared to 2022, for all destinations combined. A strong increase confirmed by the online agency Bourse des vols. Thus, the activity of air-only flights in January 2023 compared to January 2022, increased by +104% in sales in a search volume up by 61%.

To read: Morocco in the top 10 of the most booked destinations

6th in the Barometer Orchestra ranking in February 2022, Morocco (+1,065%) occupies 5th place in the top 10 most booked destinations in January 2023. Spain (+66%) tops this ranking . It is followed by metropolitan France, which is stagnating with an increase of only 1%, and Tunisia (+308%). Next come Egypt (+196%), the Dominican Republic (−29%) and Mauritius (+116%). Italy (+135%) and Portugal (+140%) close the step of the podium.

To read: Morocco, one of the destinations highly requested by the Irish

Morocco climbs to fourth place in the top 5 of the Flight Exchange. Guadeloupe climbs to first place. It is followed by metropolitan France and Martinique. The United States completes the top 5. “Asia remains behind, with one exception, India, which is recording a resurgence in sales. However, Thailand remains at 50% of the 2019 level, ”says the tour operator.

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