Morocco… Nearly running out of blood stocks threatens surgeries

surgeries And urgent medical interventions, if a solution is not found for the repeated depletion of blood and its derivatives, especially "Aminoglobin" Medically recommended to treat patients HIV initial.

In this regard, the government launched a campaign on social media, urging Moroccans to go massively to donate this vital fluid, which has become rare in injection centers. the blood alarmingly.

The need for awareness

Lahcen Fellaq, president of the Al-Amal Association for Cancer Patients in the city of Muhammadiyah (west), said: "The need for blood in Moroccan hospitals is an urgent and daily issue, and this need may be in case of urgency for pregnant women who have experienced childbirth bleeding, or for victims of accidents, especially traffic accidents.

The demand for blood may also be in cases of hematological or other cancerous diseases, or in patients undergoing surgeries in which the rate of bleeding is large."

The speaker, who also works in the field of blood donation, stressed that the daily need in Moroccan hospitals is approximately 1,000 bags of blood, but the efforts of the National Blood Transfusion Center do not meet this demand for several considerations; Among them is the insufficient involvement of the Moroccan citizen in the blood donation system.

Dr. Falaq continued his speech to "Sky News Arabia, saying: "The World Health Organization urges the donation of at least 5 percent of citizens so that there is an adequate stock of blood in blood injection centers during the year, but only 1 percent of Moroccans donate regularly."

He attributed this to the spread of rumors claiming that blood is taken for free from donors and is traded in blood injection centers, which negatively affects efforts aimed at increasing blood stocks.

Falaq urged civil society to engage to refute these rumors and to educate people about the importance of donating blood, especially during the month of Ramadan, which is known to be reluctance for citizens to donate blood. For this reason, blood injection centers in Morocco open their doors during Ramadan nights after breakfast to receive donors and collect sufficient amounts of blood.

The need for role models

In turn, Professor Khaled Fathi, a professor at the Faculty of Medicine at Mohammed V University in Rabat, stressed that the donation is not only a form of solidarity among citizens, but is also in the interest of the donor because he benefits from a set of tests for free, and the donation brings health benefits to him.

Khaled continued, in the context of his talk to"Sky News Arabia"، "I think that the duty requires that members of the government and parliament also take the initiative to donate blood and set an example in this field. Because it is not acceptable for the reserve to be so small, especially since Morocco is a Muslim country and its traditions encourage generosity, sacrifice and solidarity with the needy, and there is no greater need than drops of blood that preserve life.".

Dr. Fathi sent a message saying: "I believe that the culture of donation and volunteering must be inculcated in the minds of young people from childhood in the study programs. This is the ideal strategy to prepare a generation that responds to the calls of the homeland, and the Corona pandemic was also an additional reason for complicating the situation of blood injection centers.

According to Fathi, a communicative effort should be made to encourage Moroccans, as even those who contracted corona can donate after a month of recovery, as well as everyone who received doses of the vaccine after seven days of the injection, and there are wrong ideas about donation that must be fought, everyone who has exceeded 18 years and enjoys In good health, he can donate periodically every 3 months.

The medical professor added: "The government should send text messages to phones, and mosque preachers should do their part in raising awareness.

وقال "I notice that there is a great demand for cupping, so why not the same demand for donating blood? Only effective campaigns should be conducted to deliver the donation letter to everyone in a smooth, easy and effective manner".

Mosques receive donors

Blood injection centers in a number of regions of the Kingdom have allocated a group of mosques to donate blood during the month of Ramadan, in light of the great shortage recorded in blood stocks in health centers.

In this context, the official pages of blood injection centers in most regions of the Kingdom published advertisements regarding mosques that have been prepared to receive donors throughout the holy month.

The blood injection centers decided to allocate medical and nursing teams in the mosques that will host the blood donation campaign, in the periods following Iftar, especially between Maghrib and Isha prayers, as well as after Tarawih prayers.

The blood donation campaign in the past two days witnessed a noticeable turnout for worshipers, which prompted those in charge of blood injection centers to program other mosques.

Promises of the Ministry of Health

For its part, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, in response to the opposition’s criticism, promised to develop the work of the blood transfusion system in Morocco. Minister Khaled Ait Taleb also promised to build a new building for the regional center for blood transfusion in Casablanca, as he recently visited the regional center for blood transfusion in the Casablanca region Settat, during which he was briefed on the health services provided to male and female citizens.

The government official promised the officials and executives of the regional center for blood transfusion in the governorate "Casablanca Settat"During the tour that led him to the various facilities of the health institution, the creation of a new building that meets international standards, will respond to the increasing demand for blood and its derivatives, improve working conditions and services provided, and advance the blood injection system in the region.


It is likely that a number of people will be postponed surgeries And urgent medical interventions, if a solution is not found for the frequent depletion of blood and its derivatives, especially the “aminoglobin” recommended medically for the treatment of patients HIV initial.

In this regard, the government launched a campaign on social media, urging Moroccans to go massively to donate this vital fluid, which has become rare in injection centers. the blood alarmingly.

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The need for awareness

“The need for blood in Moroccan hospitals is an urgent and daily issue, and this need may be in a state of urgency for pregnant women who have experienced childbirth bleeding, or for accident victims, especially traffic accidents,” said Lahcen Fellaq, head of the Hope Association for Cancer Patients in Mohammedia (west).

The demand for blood may also be in cases of hematological or other cancerous diseases, or in patients who are undergoing surgeries in which the rate of bleeding is a lot.”

The speaker, who also works in the field of blood donation, stressed that the daily need in Moroccan hospitals is approximately 1,000 bags of blood, but the efforts of the National Blood Transfusion Center do not meet this demand for several considerations; Among them is the insufficient involvement of the Moroccan citizen in the blood donation system.

Dr. Fellaq continued his speech to “Sky News Arabia”, saying: “The World Health Organization urges the donation of at least 5 percent of citizens so that there is a sufficient stock of blood in the blood injection centers during the year, but only 1 percent of Moroccans are the ones who They donate regularly.”

He attributed this to the spread of rumors claiming that blood is taken for free from donors and is traded in blood injection centers, which negatively affects efforts aimed at increasing blood stocks.

Falaq urged civil society to engage to refute these rumors and to educate people about the importance of donating blood, especially during the month of Ramadan, which is known to be reluctance for citizens to donate blood. For this reason, blood injection centers in Morocco open their doors during Ramadan nights after breakfast to receive donors and collect sufficient amounts of blood.

The need for role models

In turn, Professor Khaled Fathi, a professor at the Faculty of Medicine at Mohammed V University in Rabat, stressed that the donation is not only a form of solidarity among citizens, but is also in the interest of the donor because he benefits from a set of tests for free, and the donation brings health benefits to him.

Khaled continued, in the context of his talk to “Sky News Arabia”, “I think that the duty requires that members of the government and parliament also take the initiative to donate blood and set an example in this field, because it is not acceptable that the reserve is very small, especially since Morocco is a Muslim country and its traditions encourage generosity.” sacrifice and solidarity with the needy, and there is no greater need than drops of blood that preserve life.”

Dr. Fathi went on to say, “I believe that the culture of donation and volunteering must be inculcated in the minds of young people from a young age in the study programs. This is the ideal strategy to prepare a generation that responds to the calls of the homeland, and the Corona pandemic was also an additional reason for complicating the situation of blood injection centers.”

According to Fathi, a communicative effort should be made to encourage Moroccans, as even those who contracted corona can donate after a month of recovery, as well as everyone who received doses of the vaccine after seven days of the injection, and there are wrong ideas about donation that must be fought, everyone who has exceeded 18 years and enjoys In good health, he can donate periodically every 3 months.

The professor of medicine added: “The government should send text messages to phones, and mosque preachers should do their part in raising awareness.

“I notice that there is a great demand for cupping, so why not the same demand for blood donation? Only effective campaigns should be carried out to deliver the donation speech to everyone in a smooth, easy and effective manner,” he said.

Mosques receive donors

Blood injection centers in a number of regions of the Kingdom have allocated a group of mosques to donate blood during the month of Ramadan, in light of the great shortage recorded in blood stocks in health centers.

In this context, the official pages of blood injection centers in most regions of the Kingdom published advertisements regarding mosques that have been prepared to receive donors throughout the holy month.

The blood injection centers decided to allocate medical and nursing teams in the mosques that will host the blood donation campaign, in the periods following Iftar, especially between Maghrib and Isha prayers, as well as after Tarawih prayers.

The blood donation campaign in the past two days witnessed a noticeable turnout for worshipers, which prompted those in charge of blood injection centers to program other mosques.

Promises of the Ministry of Health

For its part, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, in response to the opposition’s criticism, promised to develop the work of the blood transfusion system in Morocco. Minister Khaled Ait Taleb also promised to build a new building for the regional center for blood transfusion in Casablanca, as he recently visited the regional center for blood transfusion in the Casablanca region Settat, during which he was briefed on the health services provided to male and female citizens.

During the tour that led him to the various facilities of the health institution, the government official promised the officials and frameworks of the regional center for blood transfusion in the governorate of “Casablanca-Settat”, to create a new building that meets international standards, that will respond to the increasing demand for blood and its derivatives, improve working conditions and services provided, and advance blood injection system in the region.

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