Morocco: More than 47,000 companies created by the end of June 2024

According to the Moroccan Office of Industrial and Commercial Property (OMPIC), the number of companies established in Morocco reached 47,734 during the first half of 2024.

These companies are categorized into legal entities (34,503) and individuals (13,231). The leading sectors include trade, which accounts for 34.77%, followed by construction and real estate activities at 19.04%, various services at 18.92%, transport at 8%, industries at 7.23%, hotels and restaurants at 5.63%, the ICT sector (Information and Communication Technologies) at 2.73%, financial activities at 2.1%, and agriculture and fishing at 1.58%, as highlighted by the Office.

As expected, Casablanca-Settat leads the regional rankings with 14,796 companies established by the end of June, followed by Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima (6,880), Rabat-Salé-Kénitra (5,581), and Marrakech-Safi (5,489).

The Surge of New Businesses in Morocco: A Mid-Year Analysis for 2024

Overview of Company Registrations

The Moroccan Office of Industrial and Commercial Property (OMPIC) reported a remarkable milestone in 2024, with a total of 47,734 companies established in Morocco during the first six months. This growth signals a thriving entrepreneurial environment, driven by various sectors and regions within the country.

Company Classification

The newly registered companies can be categorized as follows:

  • Legal Entities: 34,503 (72.3%)
  • Individual Entrepreneurs: 13,231 (27.7%)

Sector-wise Breakdown of New Companies

The businesses established represent diverse sectors, showcasing the multifaceted economic landscape of Morocco. Below is a detailed breakdown of the sectors with their respective shares:

Sector Percentage (%)
Trade 34.77%
Construction and Real Estate 19.04%
Various Services 18.92%
Transport 8.00%
Industries 7.23%
Hotels and Restaurants 5.63%
ICT sector 2.73%
Financial Activities 2.10%
Agriculture and Fishing 1.58%

Regional Distribution of New Businesses

The regional distribution of these newly established companies indicates a concentration in certain areas, with Casablanca-Settat leading the way. Below are the statistics for the top regions:

Region Companies Established
Casablanca-Settat 14,796
Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima 6,880
Rabat-Salé-Kénitra 5,581
Marrakech-Safi 5,489
Other Regions Remaining Total

Benefits of Establishing a Company in Morocco

Setting up a business in Morocco comes with numerous benefits:

  • Strategic Location: Morocco serves as a gateway to Europe and Africa, facilitating trade and investment.
  • Supportive Government Policies: The Moroccan government has implemented various incentives to streamline the process of business establishment.
  • Growing Market Opportunities: With a young and dynamic population, there is increasing demand for goods and services.
  • Diverse Economic Ecosystem: The presence of multiple sectors provides a plethora of options for entrepreneurs.

Practical Tips for Entrepreneurs

For those considering launching a business in Morocco, here are some practical tips:

  • Conduct Market Research: Understanding the local market and customer needs is vital.
  • Network with Local Businesses: Building relationships can open doors to new partnerships and insights.
  • Stay Updated on Legal Requirements: Ensure compliance with local regulations to avoid any legal issues down the line.
  • Leverage Technology: Utilize digital tools to enhance productivity and reach a wider audience.

First-Hand Experiences from Local Entrepreneurs

Many local entrepreneurs have shared their positive experiences launching businesses in Morocco. Here are a few testimonials:

“The support from local business associations has been instrumental in my journey. They helped me navigate the regulatory landscape.” – Ahmed, Owner of a Construction Firm

“I started my restaurant amidst the pandemic, and the community support has been overwhelming. There is a growing demand for unique dining experiences.” – Fatima, Restaurant Owner

Future Outlook

With the continued growth in company registrations, Morocco is poised for even greater economic development. Entrepreneurs are encouraged to explore innovative business ideas and tap into the potential of the Moroccan market, creating a vibrant ecosystem for future generations.

SEO Keywords

Some of the targeted SEO keywords for this article include:

  • Morocco business growth 2024
  • new companies in Morocco
  • OMPIC report Morocco
  • entrepreneurship in Morocco
  • regional business distribution Morocco



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