Morocco in the world’s Top 10 frozen fruit suppliers

Moroccan exports of ripe and fresh raspberries to the EU have increased, reaching a volume of 56,200 tons in 2022, after a 36% increase in 2021. For Andriy Yarmak, economist at the United Nations Investment Center Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), quoted by“Morocco is a unique example of a development model for the export of berries”.

“Morocco has focused on exports of high value-added products. Nevertheless, with the expansion of the production of fresh raspberries and other berries for export, mainly to EU countries, an opportunity has arisen for the development of freezing berries. Now both segments are developing dynamically and complement each other,” says the expert.

To read: Moroccan red fruits are a hit abroad

This boom in Moroccan raspberry exports to the EU has enabled the kingdom to expand its customer portfolio by now including new destinations such as the United Arab Emirates, Brazil, South Africa, Croatia, Canada, Qatar, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia. Almost all (90%) of Moroccan raspberries were previously destined in particular for England, Germany, France and Spain.

According to the same source, raspberry exports bring in more than $360 million a year to Moroccan producers, adding that fresh raspberry exports are more profitable in Morocco than exporting any other fruit. Morocco is in the Top 10 global suppliers of frozen fruits, behind Ukraine, Serbia and Poland, major exporters of frozen raspberries in Europe.

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