Morocco Earthquake: Aid Organizations Prepare for Rescue Operation | Latest Updates and Information

2023-09-10 14:16:00

As of: September 10, 2023 4:16 p.m

After the severe earthquake in Morocco, which cost over 2,000 people their lives, several aid organizations from different federal states are preparing for a possible rescue operation – including two specialists from MV. So far there has been no official request for help from Morocco.

Because Morocco has still not officially asked for help, the helpers who have been standing by at Cologne-Bonn Airport since Saturday have now returned to their local associations, the THW said. Among the 50 helpers from North Rhine-Westphalia, Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland are two specialists from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. They come from Rostock and Wismar.

Further information

This makes the search for survivors more difficult. So far more than 2,000 deaths have been counted. More at

No THW deployment in Morocco for the time being

Since the Ministry of the Interior can only release the departure if there is a request for help, there will be no deployment of the THW in Morocco for the time being. Neither the THW nor the federal government have yet commented on why Morocco did not accept the offer. In the meantime, the window of opportunity in which there is a high probability of rescuing people alive from under the rubble has almost closed. Initially, the THW prioritized medical help and search teams when setting up the facility, explains THW spokesman Henning Zanetti. Several sniffer dogs were also there. The number of deaths in the earthquake area has now risen to over 2,000. However, there are still suspected survivors under the rubble of the collapsed houses. If the request had come from Morocco, the emergency services would have been able to fly off within two to three hours following a plane arrived and the machine was loaded.

Other aid organizations are also ready

Emergency services from the aid organization “ISAR Germany” and the “Federal Association of Rescue Dogs” are also still on alert. Around 40 to 50 emergency services, rescue specialists and medical staff “are ready to go from our side,” said a spokesman. The spokesman further emphasizes that the necessary equipment has already been put together in the central warehouse of the two aid organizations in Hünxe (North Rhine-Westphalia).

Location and rescue technology among the aids

As with the THW, the aid includes large tents, location and rescue technology and medical equipment. And the aid organization “Action Medeor” is also in the process of preparations. As the organization announced, 30,000 euros in emergency aid will be made available in a first step. According to the “Germany Helps” campaign, the “Care International” organization is also active on site and is planning humanitarian aid measures.

Further information

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NDR 1 Radio MV | News from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania | Sep 10, 2023 | 4:00 p.m

#earthquake #Morocco #THW #ready #rescue #operation #News



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