Morocco could hold the key to global food supply

Morocco, the world’s largest fertilizer producer, could hold the key to the world’s food supply, the Kenyan media Daily Nation reported on Monday.

Morocco has a clear advantage in the production of phosphorus fertilizers, writes the large circulation, indicating that the Kingdom has more than 70% of the world’s reserves of phosphate rock, from which the phosphorus used in fertilizers comes.

It has a large fertilizer industry with huge production capacity and international reach, the author adds, noting that Morocco is one of the top four fertilizer exporters in the world after Russia, China and Canada.

→ Read also: Phosphate sector: an export champion!

These data make Morocco “ a guardian of global food supply chains, as all food crops need the element phosphorus to grow“, it is pointed out, noting that unlike other limited resources, such as fossil fuels, there is no alternative to phosphorus.

Morocco plans to produce an additional 8.2 million tons of phosphorus fertilizers by 2026, which will be added to the current production which is around 12 million tons per year.

About 54% of phosphate fertilizers purchased in Africa come from Morocco, the newspaper notes, noting that Moroccan fertilizers also represent significant domestic market shares in India (50%), Brazil (40%) and Europe (41%). ).

And to conclude: Morocco could become a central part of the global fertilizer market and a guardian of the world’s food supply« .

With MAP

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