Morocco condemns the incursion of the Israeli occupation forces into the Al Aqsa mosque and calls for a UN intervention

Morocco condemned, yesterday Saturday, April 16, the attacks “by the Israeli occupation forces” against the Palestinians at the Al-Aqsa mosque, said a press release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Morocco, whose Sovereign, HM King Mohammed VI, chairs the Al Quds Committee under the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, expresses its firm condemnation and strong denunciation of the incursion of the Israeli occupation forces into the Al Mosque Aqsa, the closing of its doors and the aggression of the unarmed faithful in the enclosure of the mosque and on its esplanades, causing a number of injuries, announced a press release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Residing in the Stranger.

The Kingdom considers that this blatant aggression and this methodical provocation during the holy month of Ramadan against the sanctity of the mosque and its place in the heart of the Islamic Ummah will only fuel feelings of hatred and extremism and reduce to nullifying the chances of relaunching the peace process in the region, continues the same source.

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The Kingdom of Morocco calls on the United Nations and the international community to intervene urgently to put an end to these violations and aggressions against the disarmed Palestinian people and their sacred values, adds the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Residing Abroad.

On the instructions of HM King Mohammed VI, this condemnation and this denunciation were communicated directly to the head of the Israeli liaison office in Rabat, the statement concludes.

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(With MAP)

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