Morocco, Chinese group invests 366 million dollars for battery factory – Voce News

China’s BTR Group, which specializes in lithium-ion battery materials, has announced that it will build a plant in the city of Tangier, Morocco. Morocco World News reported, citing BTR Group. “The Moroccan project has a total investment of no more than $366 million, with construction expected to take about two years,” BTR said. The company described the project as a “significant step forward” as part of its international expansion. The goal is to reach an annual production capacity of 60,000 tons of lithium-ion battery anode materials and improve its offering to overseas customers.

Morocco has recently stressed the importance of boosting its automotive industry and car battery production. This commitment was also highlighted by Industry Minister Riyad Mezzour, who spoke of promoting the transformation of the electric car industry, “which will go to 100%” by 2030 with an integrated industrial system. In March, the country signed an agreement with BTR to build a cathode factory dedicated to electric vehicles, with the expectation of creating 2,500 jobs. “This investment in the electric mobility sector is not isolated. It is the first of several major projects to come,” said Investment Minister Mohcine Jazouli, according to the same Moroccan newspaper.
“Morocco is determined to consolidate its position as a continental and regional hub in the automotive sector, playing a central role in this green mobility revolution,” he added.

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