Morocco calls for expanding peaceful nuclear energy use, enhancing international cooperation at Geneva meeting


Morocco stressed, on Tuesday, July 23, 2024, in Geneva, the need to expand the possibilities of obtaining peaceful nuclear energy through appropriate international cooperation that allows for the transfer of technology and the sharing of nuclear knowledge for peaceful purposes, especially in diverse and vital fields such as energy, health, water, agriculture and the environment.

In the national declaration delivered by the Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Morocco in Geneva, Omar Zniber, on the occasion of the meeting of the Second Preparatory Committee for the 2026 Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the Kingdom renewed its commitment to the inalienable right of States Parties to develop research, production and use of nuclear energy and technologies for peaceful purposes, in particular through international cooperation under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

In this regard, Morocco expressed its permanent commitment, whether in a bilateral framework or in cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency, to continue sharing its experience aimed at promoting the safe use of nuclear applications, recalling its active contribution, as President of the 64th General Conference of the Agency, to the adoption of the use of nuclear applications and the development of radiotherapy in the fight against cancer.

The Moroccan delegation drew attention to the great challenge posed by the threat of committing terrorist acts using nuclear or radioactive materials, explaining that trafficking in sensitive materials that can be used in the manufacture of nuclear explosive devices is a major concern at the global level. It stressed that the overall objective of the war on terrorism should be to prevent non-State actors from obtaining these nuclear weapons and radioactive materials.

While Morocco welcomed the efforts aimed at preventing and combating nuclear terrorism, it expressed its conviction that the best approach to avoiding such deviations lies in the complete elimination of nuclear weapons, stressing that consolidating the multilateral approach and international cooperation represent essential elements for providing global and effective responses to global threats.

The Kingdom stated that the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons is the cornerstone of the nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament regime, and represents an essential tool for maintaining international peace and security, noting that since its entry into force more than half a century ago, the Treaty has proven its importance in combating nuclear proliferation.

In contrast, Morocco warned that the failure of recent review conferences, the continuing impasse in the field of disarmament, the lack of tangible progress in nuclear disarmament and the worsening challenges of proliferation are all worrying factors that require collective action that demonstrates good faith, responsibility and commitment.

He stressed the crucial importance of compliance by all States Parties with the provisions of the Treaty and the obligations arising therefrom and the need for States Parties to implement, in a transparent, balanced and irreversible manner, the conclusions reached by the 1995 and 2010 Review Conferences, with regard to nuclear disarmament and the final moratorium on all forms of testing of such weapons.

The Kingdom expressed its regret that the main objectives set during these review conferences had not been achieved, warning that the erosion of confidence in the foundations of the non-proliferation regime is a source of concern for the Kingdom and the international community as a whole.

#Morocco #calls #expanding #peaceful #nuclear #energy #enhancing #international #cooperation #Geneva #meeting
2024-07-26 13:57:50



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