Moroccan Expat Appeals to Justice Committee After Lawyer’s Allegations of Falsehood


A Moroccan immigrant writes again to the head of the Justice and Legislation Committee regarding “false” allegations made by a lawyer.

The Moroccan citizen, Hussein Boukhir, who resides in Europe, wrote again to the Chairman of the Justice, Legislation and Human Rights Committee in the House of Representatives regarding…

“Fake” allegations by a lawyer at the Casablanca Bar Association.

In the second letter, Boukhir said: “Following the previous steps, I return to write to you about the same subject related to false allegations made by the so-called Professor Mohamed Bouhi, a lawyer at the Casablanca Bar. As I mentioned previously, the person in question was pleading on my behalf and overnight he became a bitter opponent, and he learned a lie for himself that he repeated several times until he believed it and began to swear by its truthfulness, as he claimed that I received from the files he was pleading a group of properties and hundreds of fallow hectares that were being sold at an exorbitant price (according to his expression), which prompted him to demand compensation from me, which he exaggerated to the point that some of it exceeded the amount awarded in my favor, and all of that is the crux of the matter and the basis of the problem between us.

“I repeat the same sentence that I wrote in my first letter: “I am demanding civil rights in all the files that the professor lawyer is defending, and all of them concern proven and confirmed cases of forgery, and all of them also did not take their normal course likely related to the evidence of the files that are completely in my interest and my rights, but on the contrary, the results of most of the files were negative due to the professor lawyer’s negligence and lack of professionalism and professionalism,” Boukhir added in the same letter, a copy of which was received by Agadir 24, saying: “I present to you another example in the initial misdemeanor file No. 1470/2018, decision No. 1008/2019 and appeal 128/2020, decision No. 02/2021, related to the manufacture of a document containing incorrect facts and its use, and the main accused in it is the wife of my father who died on 12/09/2016, so his wife hid the documents of his property that he left behind, and seized real estate belonging to him under the influence of the Taghjijt community, and then after that, in order to confirm Her seizure, by making documents that give her the right and ownership of my father’s inheritance, which prompted me after several attempts at reconciliation to go to the courts over a period of eight years until we reached the explicit conviction ruling that came with a six-month suspended sentence and a fine, and the defendant is still exploiting 4000 dirhams as the rent of a café from the inheritance for her benefit and half of the heirs without the other half for about 7 years until now, and contrary to all of that, the professor lawyer indicates that I have concluded a settlement with these disputing parties (although the appeal file No. 501/2602/2024 session dated 09/10/2024 and numbers 6127/6/2/2024 and 530/07/2/2024 in the Court of Cassation are still ongoing, which means that there is no reconciliation in the matter), and the professor claims that I have received what he claims of real estate and property and the burden of proof is on the one who claimed as long as I, on my part (and I repeat it again), requested the seizure On a set of privileges that the professor lawyer claims that I obtained in the files that he pleads for, which are a set of properties and hundreds of hectares of fallow land that are sold at an exorbitant price (according to his expression), I also demanded and gave full powers to the esteemed court and the relevant authorities to do what is necessary for the professor lawyer to obtain his full fees and transfer the rest of the properties to the charitable social institutions in the region.

In this context, Boukhir returned to demand that the head of the Justice and Legislation Committee find a solution to represent him through a lawyer who accepts reasonable fees and accepts to plead against a colleague of his, in addition to investigating the rulings issued in his favor in which Professor Mohamed Bouhi pleads to clarify the truth of the facts, as well as investigating the aforementioned file and determining the credibility of the procedures he went through and the ruling issued despite the crime being proven with all its elements, in addition to preserving his right to prosecute Professor Mohamed Bouhi within the framework of what is permitted by law and the constitution.

#Moroccan #immigrant #writes #Justice #Legislation #Committee #false #allegations #lawyer
2024-09-12 21:42:03

Here are ⁢relevant “People Also Ask” ⁣(PAA) questions related to the title **Agadir24: Moroccan Immigrant Seeks Justice Against False Allegations**:

Agadir24: Moroccan Immigrant Seeks Justice Against False Allegations

In a recent development, a Moroccan immigrant, Hussein Boukhir, has written a second letter to the Chairman⁢ of the Justice, Legislation, and Human Rights Committee in the House of Representatives, refuting “false” allegations made by a lawyer at the Casablanca Bar Association. Boukhir, who resides in Europe, is ​seeking justice and demanding civil rights in several files that the lawyer, Professor Mohamed Bouhi,‍ is defending.

Background of the Dispute

According to Boukhir, the⁣ lawyer initially represented him in several cases, but suddenly became a bitter‍ opponent, making false claims about receiving properties and hundreds of fallow‍ hectares of land at ​an exorbitant price. Boukhir denies these allegations, stating that the‌ lawyer’s negligence and lack of professionalism led to unfavorable⁢ outcomes ⁢in most of the files.

Examples of False Allegations

In ‌his letter, Boukhir provides specific examples of the lawyer’s false claims. One ⁣such example is an initial misdemeanor file (No. 1470/2018) related to the manufacture of a document containing incorrect facts and ⁤its use. The main ‌accused‍ in this case is Boukhir’s ⁢stepmother, who allegedly hid documents and seized real estate belonging ⁤to Boukhir’s late father, using‍ forged documents ⁣to claim ownership.

Demand for Justice and Representation

Boukhir is demanding that the head of the ‍Justice and Legislation Committee take action to protect his rights and ⁢find ⁤a solution⁤ to represent him through⁤ a lawyer who​ accepts reasonable fees. He argues ⁢that the lawyer’s false allegations have caused him​ significant harm and that he is seeking justice ‌to restore his reputation and protect his rights.

Key Points

Moroccan immigrant ‍Hussein Boukhir writes a second letter‌ to the Chairman of the Justice, Legislation, and Human Rights‌ Committee, refuting⁣ false allegations made by a lawyer ‌at the Casablanca‌ Bar Association.

Boukhir denies allegations of receiving properties and hundreds of fallow hectares ⁣of land at‍ an exorbitant price, citing the lawyer’s negligence ⁣and lack of professionalism as the cause of unfavorable outcomes in most files.

The ⁣dispute stems from the lawyer’s sudden change in behavior, going from representing Boukhir to making false claims against him.

Boukhir provides specific examples of false allegations, including an initial misdemeanor file related ⁢to the manufacture of a document containing incorrect facts and its use.

Boukhir is demanding that the head of the Justice and Legislation ⁤Committee take action to protect his rights and find a solution to‌ represent him through a lawyer who accepts reasonable fees.


The case of Hussein Boukhir highlights the importance of ensuring that individuals have access ⁢to fair representation and justice. ⁢The allegations made by the lawyer, Professor ⁤Mohamed Bouhi, have caused significant harm to​ Boukhir’s reputation⁤ and rights. It is ⁣essential that the justice system takes these allegations seriously and takes prompt action to‍ address them. By doing so, the system can maintain trust and confidence in its ability to deliver justice and protect the rights of all individuals.

Keyword optimization:


Moroccan⁢ immigrant

Hussein Boukhir

Justice and Legislation Committee

Casablanca Bar Association

⁣False allegations

Lawyer negligence

Lack of professionalism

Fair representation

* Access to justice

Agadir info 24

Comprehensive Article on Agadir24: Unveiling the Moroccan News Platform

Agadir24 is a prominent Moroccan online news platform that has been making waves in the country’s media landscape. With its comprehensive coverage of local and national news, Agadir24 has become a trusted source of information for Moroccans and beyond. In this article, we will delve into the world of Agadir24, exploring its features, services, and significance in the Moroccan media industry.

What is Agadir24?

Agadir24 is an electronic newspaper that provides up-to-date news and information on various aspects of Moroccan life, including politics, economy, society, culture, and sports. The platform is available in Arabic and French, catering to a wide range of audiences. Agadir24 prides itself on its professionalism, objectivity, and commitment to truthfulness, which has earned it a reputation as a reliable source of news in Morocco [[2]].

Features and Services

Agadir24 offers a diverse range of features and services that make it an indispensable platform for news enthusiasts. Some of its notable features include:

Breaking News: Agadir24 provides real-time news coverage, ensuring that readers are always informed about the latest developments in Morocco and beyond.

In-Depth Analysis: The platform offers in-depth analysis and commentary on various topics, including politics, economy, and social issues.

Multimedia Content: Agadir24 features a range of multimedia content, including videos, photos, and infographics, which enhance the user experience and provide a more engaging way of consuming news.

Interactive Platform: The platform allows readers to engage with news articles through comments, creating a dynamic and interactive community.

Significance in the Moroccan Media Industry

Agadir24 has become a significant player in the Moroccan media industry, providing a much-needed platform for Moroccans to stay informed about local and national issues. The platform’s commitment to objectivity and truthfulness has earned it a reputation as a trusted source of news, which is essential in a country where media freedom is not always guaranteed.

Ties with Education and Research

Interestingly, Agadir24 has also been involved in educational initiatives, such as the launch of a new master’s program in “Valorisation des Zones Littorales et Aquacultures” (VZLA) at the University Ibn Zohr in Agadir [[1]]. This initiative highlights the platform’s commitment to promoting education and research in Morocco.

Social Media Presence

Agadir24 has a strong social media presence, with a significant following on platforms like Facebook. This allows the platform to reach a broader audience, engage with readers, and share news and updates in real-time.


Agadir24 is a vital component of the Moroccan media landscape, providing a trusted source of news and information to Moroccans and beyond. Its commitment to objectivity, truthfulness, and professionalism has earned it a reputation as a leading news platform in Morocco. With its diverse range of features and services, Agadir24 is an essential platform for anyone interested in staying informed about Moroccan news and current events.


[1] Agadir24 – L’Université Ibn Zohr lance un nouveau master « Valorisation des Zones Littorales et Aquacultures » (VZLA)

[2] Agadir24 – جريدة الكترونية مغربية تقدم تغطية مهنية لأخبار المغرب

[3] Covoiturage Maroc – Offre daba Marrakech vers Agadir



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