Morning or evening shower..which is better?

Morning or evening shower..which is better?

However, some experts say that choosing to shower in the morning may carry health risks, which may prompt you to re-evaluate your habit.

Experts explain that choosing to shower in the morning rather than the evening may make you “sleep with dangerous bacteria,” according to MattressNextDay. In other words, choosing to shower in the evening before bed is best because it ensures you have clean sheets and a clean body, but delaying it until the morning means sweat builds up throughout the night, providing a fertile ground for bacteria to multiply.

Studies have highlighted that E. Coli bacteria, which is known to cause conditions ranging from diarrhea and food poisoning to serious illnesses like pneumonia, can live in mattresses and survive on surfaces for months. The older your mattress is, the greater the risk.

Not only do we need to think about when we should shower, we also need to think about where we were.

Office workers should be on high alert, experts say, because during the time we spend at work, a lot of bacteria and airborne pollutants stick to our skin. If you shower at night, that’s gone. So if you stick to showering in the morning, you’re probably carrying all those germs to bed every night.

Plus, showering at night isn’t just about hygiene, it’s also been shown to improve the quality of your sleep.

Moving from a warm shower to a cool room can cause your body temperature to drop. Since your body temperature naturally drops when you fall asleep, this temperature change allows your body to receive signals that it’s ready for sleep much faster.

To further promote sleep, consider using a lavender-scented shower gel to prepare for bed, as lavender contains calming chemicals, which can reduce restlessness and agitation, and aid in sleep.

Source: Express

#Morning #evening #shower..which
2024-07-22 19:53:04

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