2023-11-28 06:12:53
28 November 2023, 11:42 AM IST
Representative Image| Photo: Canva.com
Do you feel anxious and stressed right before you get out of bed? Morning anxiety is a condition where you feel excessive stress and worry when you wake up in the morning. Symptoms include feeling restless, tired and irritable, experiencing symptoms of panic attacks, and lack of concentration. Let’s check out the causes, symptoms and remedies of morning anxiety.
Feeling restless Restlessness and frustration Excessive fatigue Feeling like your chest is tight and your muscles are tightening Faster heart rate and breathing rate Not being able to calm your mind Not being able to control your worries Insomnia Indigestion Headaches
Why anxiety in the mornings?
Chemical imbalances, environmental factors, and heredity are the factors that lead to anxiety disorders and are considered to be the cause of morning sickness. But in addition to these, worrying too much regarding how the day will go and getting things done, not being able to cope with a stressful experience in the past, elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol, and consuming caffeine and sugar are all factors that increase morning anxiety. Those who go to bed at night with worries and anxious thoughts, wake up in the morning with the same thoughts.
How to survive?
It is good to make some changes in habits to overcome morning anxiety. The first is physical exercise. The American Anxiety and Depression Association states that exercise can reduce anxiety symptoms. Experts say that increasing physical activity can improve mood, cope with stress and improve sleep.
Exercising for half an hour at least five days a week is beneficial. Walking, yoga, swimming, cycling and even dancing are beneficial. Also doing breathing exercises as soon as you wake up in the morning is also beneficial.
And don’t compromise on sleep. Make sure you get enough sleep and reduce your alcohol and caffeine intake. Food should be nutritious and moderate. Cut down on processed foods and sweets. Instead, a lot of fruits and vegetables should be included in the diet.
By doing a short breathing exercise every morning when you wake up, you can eliminate negative thoughts and get rid of anxiety. Do not hesitate to seek professional help if you have tried everything you can to no avail.
When should you see a doctor?
Anxiety in the mornings can progress to an anxiety disorder when it gets out of control. So don’t delay in seeking professional help in such situations. Morning anxiety can be treated with therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes.
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