Moritan wants a place in the LLA and City are already considering kicking him out

2024-09-21 19:10:00

The crisis version with my wife, Carolina “Pampita” Adohanwas denied by myself. However, his political situation within the Buenos Aires government was going through its worst moments. Roberto Garcia Moritan He was isolated from the core of power held by Jorge Macri, did not have good relations in the Buenos Aires cabinet, and fell out with his political leader who led him to become Candidate in 2021 and become Minister of Economic Development, what is worse is the flirtation with La Libertad Avanza who arrived at the municipal headquarters of Uspallata.

Since Moritan withdrew from the race for head of government in favor of Jorge Macri – with whom the former president himself was involved in negotiations – Moritan ended up in Buenos Aires’ economic development cabinet. But there is one substantial difference: He is left with just two deputy ministers, instead of the seven under Horacio Rodríguez Larreta.

What’s worse: the radicals Emiliano Yacobitti and Martín Lousteau still do not forgive the “blood” of last year’s “Pampito”. Moritan tried to apologize, but kindness was not enough.

Dictators don’t like this

The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That’s why it bothers those who think they have the truth.

However, a few months after taking office, he had a bitter falling out with his political boss, Congressman Yamil Santoro. When Ricardo López Murphy introduced himself to PASO “Together for Change” in 2021, the deputy handed the head of the ticket to the legislator. Santoro finished third and Moritan secured his first elected office.

But everything has changed when it comes to economic development: Differences in priorities on how to manage, work methods and pressures on the more than 30 Republican co-leaders working in the region have detonated the relationship.

Milei’s “roasted effect” continues to divide PRO Group, although there is no breakthrough

Even in the middle of this year, he unceremoniously fired the deputy minister of small and medium-sized enterprises and historical PRO activist “chuequito” Christian Bauab, appointing a leader close to him. Result: At the last meal organized by CAME, he was not even invited. But the heads of government, Deputy Director Clara Muzio and Deputy Chief of Staff Gabriel Sánchez Zinni, left with smiles on their faces.

In this framework, Moritán’s connection to Jorge Macri is almost nil. He does not speak at the biweekly cabinet meetings (although he is not as late as Larretta), and his videos on social networks only talk about himself. What’s more: in a ranking of officials who have reposted or retweeted the head of government on social networks, he ranks comfortably at the bottom, despite being one of the most followed.

But the little harmony that sparked during these weeks was that PRO officials heard that Moritan was flirting with La Libertad Avanza, looking for a seat, perhaps for next year’s legislative elections. This version was even expanded to have him at the Rose Palace with “Lule” Menem, a powerful official with ties to Karina Millais.

The message stoked Uspallata’s already growing anger. The city’s most important ministers assured Jorge Macri that he was just taking his time, but that sooner or later Moritan would leave the cabinet.

Retiring on October 31 is Innovation Minister Diego Fernández, who will be replaced by Raúl Piola, the current Director of the Directorate of Information Systems. Fernandez will return to the private sector related to new technologies.


#Moritan #place #LLA #City #kicking



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