[Moriguchi City]Brass band and jazz concerts in front of the station “Kyoto Kaido Sound LINE Kickoff Event Disaster Prevention …

A kickoff event for the Kyoto Kaido Wide-area Collaborative Urban Development Council will be held.

*From the Kyoto Kaido Wide-area Collaborative Urban Development Council

“Kyoto Kaido Sound LINE Kickoff Event Disaster Prevention Awareness Concert”

[日 時] Monday, September 16, 2024 (National Holiday) 11:00 am – 3:00 pm (scheduled)
[場 所] Canadian Square in front of Moriguchi Station, Keihan Railway
[内 容] “Canadian Square”
Free admission

1. Concert Performing groups: 4 groups
2. Disaster Prevention Awareness Stage Mini Disaster Prevention Knowledge
3. Disaster prevention awareness booth: Disaster prevention panel display, distribution of emergency food and drink, and simple emergency food recipes

Other simultaneous events
Disaster prevention related events at Keihan Department Store Co., Ltd.
Various locations in Keihan Department Store and Canadian Square

Organizer: Kyokaido Wide-area Collaborative Urban Development Council
Cooperation: Osaka Prefecture, Keihan Holdings Co., Ltd., Keihan Department Stores Co., Ltd., AB Planning Co., Ltd.

Canadian Square

Canadian Square

Concert Performing Groups
11:00~Moriguchi City Junior Brass Band
12:05~Taitetsu Soryu~
13:10~Toshiaki Murata with Yuko Kazama Duo
14:10~Kumiko Suzuki & Lovely Friends

A concert and disaster prevention awareness event as the kickoff event for the “Kyoto Kaido Sound Line”

By doing so, we will raise awareness of disaster prevention and announce “Kyoto Kaido Sound LINE” events.

*From the Kyoto Kaido Wide-area Collaborative Urban Development Council

You can watch a junior brass band performed by elementary and junior high school students from Moriguchi City, as well as professional jazz. There will also be a food truck and distribution of emergency supplies that will be useful in the event of a disaster.

In recent years, there have been many natural disasters across the country, so I think this will also be an opportunity to learn about disaster prevention.

If you love music, are interested in disaster prevention, or have the time, please come and participate in the “Kyoto Kaido Oto LINE 2024 Kickoff Event Disaster Prevention Awareness Concert.”

Moriguchi City Station Canadian Square is here



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