Morgan accused of stalking by ex Angelica Schiatti: he will be admitted to restorative justice …

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The Court of Lecco accepted the request of Marco Castoldi, aka Morgan, to be admitted to restorative justice, as part of the trial for stalking against his ex-girlfriend. This was decided today by the judge, who dissolved the reservation after the request made directly by the artist last September 13th. The procedure, complementary to the trial, provides for a meeting to resolve the conflict between Morgan and Angelica Schiatti, in the presence of a mediator, after an individual work process with specialists for Castoldi. This decision could lead to a reduced sentence if convicted.


The decision

The judge of the Court of Lecco, after having accepted Morgan’s request to access restorative justice in the stalking trial against his ex-girlfriend Angelica Schiatti, postponed the trial until March 14th, for the discussion of any preliminary issues and to evaluate the the outcome of the journey that the singer-songwriter is preparing to follow. «We are satisfied with the judge’s decision, who understood Castoldi’s intentions and commitment and the usefulness of sending the parties to the Center for Restorative Justice and Criminal Mediation – Castoldi’s lawyer, Rossella, told ANSA Gallo – ‘for the resolution of the issues arising from the facts for which he is accused’, as the judge wrote in his order, ‘without this entailing a concrete danger for the interested parties’. We hope that Castoldi can immediately resume his work activities – added Gallo – which were unjustly interrupted. We also hope to no longer read distorted news in the press regarding the contents of the trial, charging Castoldi with crimes other than those of which he is accused – concluded the lawyer – for which he has already acted in the appropriate forums and is ready to do it again.”

The accusations

The story dates back to 2020, when Angelica Schiatti, also a singer-songwriter, who had a relationship with Morgan, decided to report him for messages, threats and revenge porn. In fact, Morgan, as Selvaggia Lucarelli testifies in the newspaper, would have repeatedly insulted and threatened his ex, even spreading private and intimate images among friends and collaborators, not even sparing his family and his new partner. Morgan would also have hired two people to locate the house in Bologna where the girl had moved to bring her back to him and beat Calcutta. The code red is triggered, the one that should protect women victims of stalking, at the Monza prosecutor’s office, which subsequently requests the artist’s indictment. However, the territorial incompatibility raised by the defense lawyers moved the proceedings to Lecco.

In the meantime, no precautionary measures have been issued against Morgan whose indictment arrives only in October 2023. «I have been silent for four years and I will continue to remain there (the facts speak for me) hoping that justice can do the trick its course in human times.

I felt and feel very alone and abandoned by the institutions. This is the condition of a woman who finds the courage to report in Italy, who tries to defend herself and protect her dignity and who should NEVER be left alone”, the girl wrote on social media.

The Boyfriend Calcutta

Also in its defense is Calcutta which, again via social media, lashes out against Morgan, without ever naming him. “I assure you that the atrocious facts reported are only a small part of those that have happened and have changed our lives more than one can imagine. Unfortunately the news speaks too often of similar events that end in the worst possible way”, underlines the singer-songwriter of Latina on Instagram, who also takes it out on Warner – before it took a step back – who “decided to offer a contract to this persecutor despite being aware of the facts. For this reason it seems right to interrupt any possible working relationship with this label. The songs I write will no longer be available to the performers on their roster, and all its employees are no longer welcome at my concerts. It won’t even be a pleasure to meet them on the street since anyone who behaves like this will stay in silence in my eyes is complicit.

Downloaded from Rai

A message that must have hit the mark, because the label’s position soon arrived that “in light of the contents and messages that emerged, it mandates its lawyers to terminate the ongoing contractual relationship with the artist Morgan, leaving issue is debated in the right places”. Rai follows closely which, after contacts with the artist for a Rai3 prime time access programme, ‘In arte Morgan’, officially specifies that “at the moment it has no contract in place with the artist.




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