Morena and Russian interference in Mexico “is not an invention of the CIA, it is real”; they document it

Morena and Russian interference in Mexico “is not an invention of the CIA, it is real”; they document it

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The Sonoran journalist Dolia Estévez points out that the Russian interference in Mexico “It is not an invention of the CIA, it is real”since an explosive Russian intelligence document recently declassified by the FBI details a plan, “with the support of Morena”, to stir up anti-American sentiment and exacerbate confrontation with the United States.

In an article published on October 14, the writer also details that the US government has identified a strategy to create the “threat perception” on a border overwhelmed by violence and migration, with the purpose of helping Trump to win the elections.

He explains that the decision of the US Department of Justice to make it known is to alert public opinion and to government of Mexico against Russia’s sinister plans to drag the country into a conflict with the neighboring country to the north.

Morena and Russian interference in Mexico “is not an invention of the CIA, it is real”; This is how they document it

It states that the text is in Russian, translated into English, and consists of 6 pages, which dramatizes the war of 1848 with a map on which California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, parts of Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas They do not belong to the United States or Mexico.

The writing evokes with a painting of the Battle of Buena Vista in 1847, which Mexico lost and write to those states as a imaginary “broken glass” between them countrieswith the slogan “Mexico does not forgive” on the dividing line.

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Dolia Estevez adds that “with the support of Morena and the participation of the Communist Party of Mexico and other patriotic groups that he does not identify, The document envisions a scenario in which Russia playsto the ‘recalcitrant’ anti-American letter so that they are “assimilated by Mexican culture.”

Add that describes Morena as a party “similar to the United Russia party” of Putin, allied to the interests of the Kremlin, malleable and easily manipulated that, although it has not yet officially adopted anti-Yankee rhetoric, in its ranks, there are “anti-American tendencies, promoting de-dollarization and an economic reorientation” away from the United States.

“The popularity of what he conceives as a movement to ‘recreate’ the past, led by Morena, compares it to the alleged movement at the beginning of the 2000s in Russia to remake the Soviet Union by invading countries that, according to Putin, were usurped by NATO, just like the United States ‘stole’ half of Mexico’s territory“says the journalist.

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It shows that the intention is “use Mexico as a tool to erode the credibility of the US electoral system and help Trump win the elections“.

“Candidate A (Trump), who was building a border wallthat every day of his presidency He said that the immigration problem comes from the south and to whom the ball should be passed to change the political narrative, urgently needs an exacerbated confrontation with Mexico”.

In this sense, it indicates that the success of the US economy, which electorally favors “candidate B” (Democrat), leaves Trump the option of “creating the perception of a threat” of violent cartels and hordes of angry migrants at the border. .

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In Mexico, Russia recruits influencers, journalists, politicians, the document states

“Prepared by the Social Design Agency, part of the Kremlin-funded global disinformation and lies operation called Doppelgänger, The document is integrated into a report from an FBI agent which reveals that the agency has in its possession a list of 2,800 influencers, including journalists, politicians, bloggers, businessmen, teachers, analysts and comedians, recruited by the Russians in 81 countries that he does not name, but, it is inferred, Mexico It is one.”

Last month, the company and several of its Russian executives in the United States were charged and sanctioned by the Departments of Justice and State.

Dolia Estevez thus affirms “that Russian interference in Mexico is not an invention of the CIAnor a product of the “Russophobia” of a handful of journalists on both sides of the Atlantic, but rather a real and proactive strategy of great significance in which Morenaknowingly or not, is a tremendously useful tool.”

The US Embassy in Mexico reacts after an attack by its Russian counterpart on a Mexican journalist

After the publication of her extensive article, the Russian Embassy mockingly attacked the Mexican journalist on its X account, for which Dolia Estévez responded that that attack “is a violation of the Vienna Convention which allows the communication of las embassies exclusively for official purposes. The Russian embassy is the ONLY embassy in Mexico that attacks journalists.”

Morena and Russian interference in Mexico “is not an invention of the CIA, it is real”; they document it

And the reaction of the United States Embassy in Mexico has not been long in comingby publishing on the official account a quote from US President Joe Biden, which indicates: “Attacking the press and attempting to intimidate independent media are essential elements of the authoritarian manual.

Finally, it indicates that the Russian intelligence document and the complete report from the Department of Justice can be consulted in the following link:

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