Morena Achieves a Triumphant Supermajority in the Chamber of Deputies

Morena Achieves a Triumphant Supermajority in the Chamber of Deputies

The Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF) confirmed the allocation of plurinominal deputies, granting Morena and its allies (PT and PVEM) the qualified majority in the Chamber of Deputies.

Thus, Morena will have 73% of the deputies, even though it only won 57% of the votes.

With a vote of 4-1, the TEPJF endorsed the project of magistrate Felipe de la Mata that confirms the Supermajority of Morena, PT and Green Party in the Chamber of Deputies.

This Wednesday, the Superior Court resolved 1,688 challenges filed by the PAN, PRI and Citizen Movement against the overrepresentation of plurinominal legislators that the National Electoral Institute (INE) assigned to Morena and its allies.

TO UNDERSTAND BETTER: PVEM gives 15 elected deputies to Morena to have the coordination of Jucopo

The resolution was to be approved on Wednesday, August 28, to pave the way for the constitution of the Congress of the Union, with the swearing-in of 500 deputies and 128 senators.

TEPJF confirms overrepresentation: Morena, with qualified majority in Chamber of Deputies

According to what was approved by the INE, Morena and allies have 236 deputiesthat is, they would achieve a qualified majority in the Chamber of Deputies (two thirds), as necessary to modify the Constitution.

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In addition to this Morena is expected to obtain a qualified majority in the Senate of the Republic because Morena added two senators elected by the PRD to its ranks on Wednesdayso they are one step away from obtaining a qualified majority in the Senate.

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However, the self-called 4T needs one more legislator to achieve a qualified majority in the Senate, which requires 86 out of 128, so the Electoral Court’s count will be key to the overrepresentation of the cherry-colored party.

The same night of August 28, the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico (PVEM) gave 15 elected deputies to Morena with the purpose of that The cherry party will remain with the presidency of the Political Coordination Board (Jucopo) 3 more years.

#Morena #supermajority #Chamber #Deputies
2024-09-07 21:31:05

Here are the PAA⁢ (People Also‍ Ask) related questions for the title “The Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation ⁣(TEPJF): Understanding its ​Role in ‌Mexican Electoral Justice”:

The Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF): Understanding its Role in Mexican Electoral Justice

In‌ the realm of Mexican electoral justice, the‍ Electoral Tribunal of the ⁣Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF) plays a vital role in ensuring the integrity and fairness of the electoral process. As a specialized venue within ⁤the judiciary of Mexico, the TEPJF is responsible for resolving electoral disputes that may‍ arise during elections [[1]]. This article provides an in-depth examination ‍of the TEPJF’s role, its functions, and its significance in maintaining democratic integrity in Mexico.

Structure and Functions

The TEPJF is the highest electoral ⁢tribunal in Mexico, ​with the authority to resolve electoral disputes at both the federal and local levels [[2]]. Comprising seven ⁤magistrates, the tribunal is responsible for reviewing and resolving disputes related to electoral processes, including the validation of elections, the allocation of seats, and ⁢the resolution of electoral challenges.

Electoral Dispute Resolution

One of the key functions of the TEPJF is to resolve electoral disputes that may arise during elections. In this capacity, the tribunal reviews and resolves challenges filed by political parties or candidates contesting the results of an election. For instance,​ in a recent case, the TEPJF resolved 1,688 challenges filed by the‍ PAN, PRI, and‌ Citizen Movement against the overrepresentation of plurinominal legislators assigned to Morena and ⁣its allies [[3]].

Partnership with ⁢International Organizations

The TEPJF has also established partnerships with international organizations to strengthen democratic integrity in Mexico. For example, the TEPJF has signed an agreement with ‍the International ⁢Development Law Organization (IDLO) to‌ expand cooperative ties and strengthen democratic institutions in Mexico [[3]].

Recent Developments

In a recent development, the TEPJF‍ confirmed the allocation‍ of plurinominal deputies, granting Morena and its allies a qualified majority in the Chamber of Deputies. This‌ decision was made ⁤possible by a vote of 4-1, with the endorsement of magistrate Felipe de la Mata’s‍ project [[4]]. The resolution has significant ‌implications ‌for the​ constitution of the Congress of the Union, with the swearing-in of 500 deputies and 128 senators.


the Electoral Tribunal ⁣of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF) plays a crucial role in⁣ ensuring the integrity and fairness of the electoral process in Mexico. Through its functions, the tribunal resolves electoral disputes, validates elections, and allocates seats. As a vital institution in Mexican democracy, the TEPJF is committed to strengthening democratic institutions and promoting electoral justice in Mexico.


<a href="”>[1]

<a href="”>[2]


Note: ⁣The ⁣article ‌has been optimized for SEO by including relevant keywords, such as “Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation,” “TEPJF,” “Mexican⁢ electoral justice,” and “democratic integrity.” The article is structured to provide a ​comprehensive overview of the TEPJF’s role and functions, with the inclusion of recent developments and international partnerships.

What are the implications of TEPJF’s confirmation of Morena’s qualified majority in the Chamber of Deputies for future constitutional reforms in Mexico?

TEPJF Confirms Overrepresentation: Morena, with Qualified Majority in Chamber of Deputies

The Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF) has confirmed the allocation of plurinominal deputies, granting Morena and its allies (PT and PVEM) the qualified majority in the Chamber of Deputies [1[1]. This decision was made with a vote of 4-1, endorsing the project of magistrate Felipe de la Mata that confirms the Supermajority of Morena, PT, and the Green Party in the Chamber of Deputies [2[2].

As a result, Morena will have 73% of the deputies, despite only winning 57% of the votes. This confirmation also means that Morena and its allies will have a qualified majority in the Chamber of Deputies, which is necessary to modify the Constitution.

The TEPJF’s decision comes after resolving 1,688 challenges filed by the PAN, PRI, and Citizen Movement against the overrepresentation of plurinominal legislators assigned to Morena and its allies by the National Electoral Institute (INE) [3[3].

In addition to this, Morena is also expected to obtain a qualified majority in the Senate of the Republic. On Wednesday, Morena added two senators elected by the PRD to its ranks, putting them one step away from obtaining a qualified majority in the Senate.

This outcome has significant implications for Mexican politics, as Morena’s qualified majority in both the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate will give them the power to push through constitutional reforms and shape the country’s legislative agenda.

the TEPJF’s confirmation of Morena’s qualified majority in the Chamber of Deputies marks a significant milestone in Mexican politics, cementing Morena’s dominance in the country’s legislative branch.



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