“We cannot hope to continue growing, without helping each other, with the alphabets of respect and the pulse of clemency.”


Taking care of ourselves and each other is the first duty of every human being. Another task is to be grateful; and, in this sense, we must also support those who care for the weakest, the sick and the elderly. Unfortunately, we have the immoral habit of passing on from our elders, from everything that production systems exclude, even abandoning our own roots. This should make us rethink care work, both paid and unpaid, in the face of aging societies and changing family models. In my opinion, these big-hearted people, who bring with them health and hope, play an essential role of humanity, although they often do not receive the recognition or remuneration they deserve. Let’s praise them!

They are those people of good and kindness, who tend to be a human wealth, because with their actions of dedication and affection what they donate is life, to whom their support measures should be intensified, to guarantee that they really have access to a job. in decent conditions. Indeed, the care economy is growing as demand for childcare and elder care services increases. Therefore, it will generate a large number of jobs in the coming years. However, this social work continues to be characterized by the absence of benefits and protections, low wages or lack of compensation, in addition to being exposed to physical, mental and, in some cases, sexual harm. We cannot hope to continue growing, without helping each other, with the alphabets of respect and the pulse of clemency. Let’s consider it!

Be that as it may, it is important to recover the humanitarian and home dimension, in addition to promoting social justice, with workers in this sector, in continuous inequalities and hardly having time for themselves. Respecting work schedules, enjoying personal space and time for rest and leisure plans, I consider essential to respond to the caregiver’s care and be able to promote both their well-being and their own health. All people have a value in themselves and reflect, each in their own way, a ray of that innate wisdom, which we must discover through contemplative listening to our own interior. This is our mission; because, deep down, we are all guardians, repositories of hope and existential custodians. Hence, the need to rebuild ourselves into a “we”, with a project that unites us and a common home. Let’s do it!

Just as important as learning to reprimand yourself is learning to take care of yourself to take care of others. Right at this moment, when stress, anxiety and depression crush our own hearts and minds; It is necessary to modify the work environment and guarantee adequate working conditions, providing decent remuneration and stable contractual conditions, creating areas where people can talk, let off steam and fulfill self-care experiences. In fact, one has to start loving oneself in order to love. Therefore, it is essential that our homes are inclusive and welcoming corners for survival and, in general, for fragility in all its expressions. Loneliness can be a disease, but with the closeness of the pulses and the sincere hug offered, we can cure it. Let’s practice it!

Of course, there is no better praise than caring for caregivers socially, than considering them part of us in a task to be done, without expecting anything in return, knowing that this practice fraternizes us, leading us to conceive for others what we would like our analogues to do. for us. I discovered this at the Lanjarón Salud family residence, from the moment my dear mother (with Alzheimer’s) came back to life, because her caregivers gave life to her destroyed soul, reappearing as a weak girl next to her parents and full of of smiles, despite the regrets of not being, without memory, but counting on the fact that the illness is there, but it has not destroyed the passion for the holy rosary, nor the announcement of Sunday in prayer, to make Tuesdays a reality in communion and as a family, at the foot of the Alpujarra and with its own prayerful spirit of thanksgiving.


October 2, 2024.-

#WORDS #CARING #CAREGIVERS #Victor #Corcoba #Herrero
2024-10-05 11:25:00



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