More than a thousand rats were found in famous chain store

In a Family Dollar in Arkansas, United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA, for its acronym in English) said that, after an inspection, more than 1,100 live and dead rodents were found in its warehouses.

During the FDA inspection, rodent droppings were also found.evidence of gnawing and nesting, and products stored in conditions that did not protect against these unsanitary conditions, he said. The New York Times.

Therefore, the chain of stores indicated last Saturday that more than 400 stores had been temporarily closed due to the discovery of rats and other unsanitary conditions in the distribution center. In addition, food, dietary supplements, cosmetics and other products were recalled.

We take situations like this very seriously. and we are committed to providing safe, quality products to our customers,” said Kayleigh Campbell, spokeswoman for Dollar Tree.

“We have been fully cooperating with all regulatory agencies in resolving this matter and are in the process of remediating the issue,” he said.

Rodent contamination can cause salmonella and infectious diseasesthe FDA said. “Families depend on stores like Family Dollar for food, medicine and other products, and those items must be safe,” Judith McMeekin, associate commissioner for the FDA’s Office of Regulatory Affairs, said in a statement.

“No one should be subjected to products stored in the type of unacceptable conditions that we find in this distribution facility … These conditions appear to be violations of federal law that could put the health of families at risk,” he explained.

Another country is going through a similar situation, because Recently in the UK there has been an infestation of rats ‘the size of cats’ that invades the toilets of this population.

These unsightly rats have highly flexible bones that allow them to fit into pipes, as well as having a great ability to hold their breath underwater for more than three minutes. It can be said that these animals have the ideal conditions to be housed in the toilets of homes.

“There is a lot of rat food right now, with ripe fruit and harvest crops, so the rat population is peaking right now,” Cleankill Pest Control representative Paul Bates told the British newspaper. The Sun.

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For its part, Norwich City Council, in the east of England, suggested some recommendations to citizens to avoid this problem. Among them, keeping the lid of the toilet closed and always lower the chain before using it. Additionally, they warn that garage doors and entrances should remain tightly closed so that these rodents do not get through.

On the other hand, the United Kingdom is preparing for one of the coldest seasons in 30 years, which is why rats look for food and warmth in homes. It should be noted that these animals also feed on human feces and dead rats as their main entrance, to then enter the home in search of the main course with fresh food from the house and thus complete their great banquet.

These rodents of more than 30 centimeters can cause damage to the wiring, since with their sharp teeth they break the electricity cables. This situation could cause a lot of damage, including a fire. Among their misdeeds they can also damage and destroy the interior system of automobiles.

This pest not only scares the inhabitants of the house, but can also cause diseases and become a public health problem.

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