more than 980 kilometers of accumulated traffic jams on the roads

2023-07-08 11:52:45

Congestion, concertina traffic, slowdowns: traffic was very dense, Saturday July 8, on the main French roads, for the first weekend of the school holidays, with a peak of 988.40 kilometers of traffic jams picked up at midday by Bison futé. At 4:33 p.m., the cumulative traffic jams had dropped to 375 kilometers.

The biggest difficulties were recorded as traditionally on the A7 motorway, between Lyon and Marseille, with several restraints at Valence, Montélimar and between Drôme and Vaucluse. According to Vinci Autoroutesit took nearly four hours at midday to cover the 172 kilometers separating the Vienne-Reventin toll from Orange.

The eastern bypass of Lyon was also particularly congested, due to the closure of the Fourvière tunnel for works this weekend. The other largest accumulations were recorded on the A10 between Paris and Bordeaux, on the A9 between Orange and Le Perthus and, to a lesser extent, on the A2, A11, A75, A25 and the A13.

In the direction of departures, this Saturday is classified orange at the national level and red for the Great West and the North.

A peak at more than 920 kilometers on Friday

On Friday, the peak had already reached 926.60 kilometers of accumulated traffic jams in the followingnoon, but Bison smart had forecast even denser traffic on Saturday on the main axes, in particular in the Great West, the North and the very busy Rhone Valley.

“These are mainly French motorists who take their holidays from the start of summer to take advantage of less frequentation, but also foreign tourists from neighboring countries”, says Smart Bison in a press release.

Before this Saturday, Bison smart had advised leaving or crossing Ile-de-France before 5 a.m., avoiding the A31 between Nancy and Luxembourg between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., avoiding the ‘A11 between Le Mans and Nantes and the A63 between Bayonne and Spain between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., and the A7 between Lyon and Orange between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Sunday is expected to be smooth in the outbound direction, while the weekend is rated green in the outbound direction.

The World with AFP

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