More than 8,400 workers have their labor rights protected through Mtess inspections

Asuncion, IP Agency.- In its first year in office, the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security (Mtess) carried out 458 labor inspections throughout the country, which enabled the protection of rights that were being violated, benefiting 8,465 workers.

These inspections, carried out by the General Directorate of Inspection, have included interviews with more than 1,800 workers and the review of the employment situation of more than 8,465 employees, detecting non-compliance in areas such as payment of salaries, social security, employment contracts and occupational safety measures.

In addition, in the transport sector, through the Inter-Institutional Transport Commission, various operations were carried out on the road, in which 282 workers from 218 companies were interviewed, detecting numerous irregularities that resulted in the inspection and investigation of said companies.

Additionally, in collaboration with the Social Security Institute (IPS), 142 interventions were carried out, which resulted in the registration of 321 workers in social security.

As a result of the inspections, the Ministry of Labor has initiated 80 investigations for non-compliance with labor regulations, applying sanctions and fines amounting to G 16,435,331,196 (equivalent to more than USD 2,170,000).

Transparency and trust

These actions reinforce the MTESS’ commitment to the protection of labour rights and the improvement of working conditions throughout the country, prioritising fair wages, safe working conditions and access to social security for all workers, while also promoting the formalisation of employment and facilitating the transition from the informal to the formal economy.

Transparency and trust in labour inspection processes are essential to ensure respect for workers’ rights and the alignment of labour practices with current legislation.

To achieve this, the Ministry of Labour has implemented new regulations that guarantee more efficient control of actions, eliminating old regulations that allowed irregularities in inspection procedures.

Now, the labor documentation required by companies can only be requested through an Inspection Order issued by the Highest Institutional Authority, strengthening transparency throughout the process.

The institution has also approved a new Manual of Procedure for Labour Inspection and Supervision, which updates previous provisions and regulates the inspection process in accordance with Convention No. 81 of the International Labour Organization (ILO).

This manual standardizes inspection actions and facilitates transparency and accountability, ensuring that workers are registered and in decent jobs. It also promotes the application of measures to improve and adapt to the labor legal system through the use of technological advances.

#workers #labor #rights #protected #Mtess #inspections
2024-08-30 21:34:10



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