More than 800 registered Venezuelans will vote in Panama

The Venezuelan embassy in Panama today installed four voting tables so that some two thousand compatriots can exercise their right to vote in the presidential elections next Sunday.

According to the statement from the diplomatic legation, directed by the chargé d’affaires, Jhannett Madriz, the number of voters in the isthmus was based on the electoral roll registered by the National Electoral Council (CNE) of the South American country, reported PL.

In the Central American nation, the process will begin at 06:00, local time, at the embassy headquarters, in this capital; and will last until 18:00 p.m. local time.

“Voters who registered at this consular office and are authorized to vote for the CNE in Panama must attend with their laminated Venezuelan identity card to exercise their right to vote,” the text states.

A recent CNE instruction for the Coordination of the Voting Act in Diplomatic or Consular Representations abroad specifies that only “voters over 18 years of age” who have residency or any other regime that denotes legality of vote may vote abroad. permanence in that country.”

In its general considerations, the CNE expressed that the national electoral processes to be carried out outside the borders of the Republic “are determined by the number of voters registered in the Electoral Registry and appear in the voting notebook.”

He stated that the only valid document to exercise the right to vote “is the laminated identity card, even when it has expired.”

Likewise, no member “may impede the right to vote” of those voters who appear in the Voting Book.

He warned in this sense that electoral officials who refuse to admit the voting of people who have the right to vote in accordance with the law will be sanctioned. On the other hand, he pointed out that organizations with political purposes must properly fill out the credential forms and present them in writing to the diplomatic or consular representation, at least 15 days in advance of the date of the electoral process.

He also pointed out that access to duly accredited witnesses must be guaranteed and “more than one per organization with political purposes and alliances will not be allowed for any reason, in the same electoral event.”

#registered #Venezuelans #vote #Panama
2024-07-28 20:10:17



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