“More than 640 million Africans without electricity” (Senegalese Minister of Petroleum and Energy)

AA/Dakar/Alioune Ndiaye

With more than 640 million of its inhabitants without access to electricity, Africa has the lowest level in the world, Aissatou Sophie Gladima, Minister of Petroleum and Energy, said on Sunday.

She presided over the official ceremony of the 20th Congress of the Association of African Electricity Companies (ASEA) which is being held in Dakar.

“More than 640 million Africans do not have access to energy; which corresponds to an access rate of just over 40%, the lowest level in the world,” she said, saying that it is the lowest level in the world.

She noted that per capita electricity consumption in Sub-Saharan Africa (excluding South Africa) is 180 kilowatt/hour (kWh) compared to 13,000 kWh per capita in the United States and 6,500 kWh in Europe.

“The continent has more than 10 terawatts of solar potential, 350 gigawatts of hydroelectric potential, 110 gigawatts of wind potential, and 15 gigawatts in addition to geothermal potential”, detailed the Senegalese minister, pointing to the low level of exploitation of energy potential. from the continent.

“Access to cheap energy is therefore vital not only to achieve health and education goals, but also to reduce the cost of energy in industry, services and to create the jobs needed. ‘Africa needs so much,’ said Gladima, stressing the need for a roadmap to be put in place to guarantee better energy supplies for African countries.

Gladima has, for this roadmap, identified a strategy on 9 axes. These include the creation of a regional project preparation fund as well as the development of electricity markets at African level through the construction of interconnection corridors and the progressive realization of the single electricity market. in Africa.

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Peter Kapala, Zambian Minister in charge of Energy and Kevin Kariuki, Vice President of the African Development Bank (AfDB) in charge of Energy, Climate and Green Growth took part in the official ceremony.

The 20th ASEA Congress is being held from July 14 to 21 on the theme ”The need for public service and the performance of African electricity companies”.

According to the organizers, this is the biggest meeting on energy in Africa. More than 1,000 people including leaders and decision-makers from electricity and energy companies, experts and investors took part in the meeting.

Several panels and exhibitions are on the menu of the congress.

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