More than 44 thousand IPN students will benefit from PrevenIMSS in Schools and Universities

Health personnel address the main health problems of adolescents and young adults from a preventive perspective.

Authorities from the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) and the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) launched PrevenIMSS activities in Schools and Universities, a program that will benefit more than 44,000 students from this educational institution and that annually serves more than 900,000 young people from public secondary and higher education schools throughout the country.

The strategy addresses the main health problems in adolescents and young adults, and aims to raise awareness about the importance of maintaining good physical and mental health. It is emphasized to the student community that these aspects play a key role in their academic and comprehensive development.

At the Higher School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (ESIME) Ticomán Professional Unit, Dr. Ernesto Krug Llamas, head of the Coordination of First Level Units of the IMSS, highlighted the importance of the culture of prevention and invited those present to learn about the package of preventive health actions that Social Security has made available to students since 1998.

He urged students to approach the Institute’s Social Benefits units to learn about the available programs and activities, which are designed to develop abilities, acquire skills and encourage the practice of physical activity.

These initiatives, he said, not only promote healthy development, but also seek to reduce the rate of overweight and obesity in our country, since it is estimated that 40 percent of people under 20 years of age suffer from some degree of these conditions.

For his part, Professor Jesús Antonio Hernández Pérez, Director of Student Support at the IPN, stressed that the well-being of the students of this educational institution is of utmost importance; therefore, collaboration with IMSS staff for support in health issues is essential.

“This activity marks the formal start of the PrevenIMSS actions, which, as every year, are carried out in the 42 campuses of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), where more than 44 thousand students will be served,” he explained.

Speaking at the event, Professor Fabiana Maribel Zepeda Arias, head of the Nursing Coordination of Social Security, stated that it is time to change the perception on the subject of health and, therefore, it is necessary to focus at a national level on preventive actions and timely detection.

The activities of PrevenIMSS in Schools and Universities consisted of the installation of various modules in educational establishments, in which a wide range of activities are offered, including the teaching of health topics, evaluation of nutritional status by measuring weight, height and body mass index, as well as the prevention and control of diseases through vaccination.

In addition, counselling and guidance on oral, sexual and reproductive health was provided, and tests were administered to detect diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, hepatitis C and HIV. Mental health screening was also offered to identify possible cases of mental disorders such as depression and anxiety.

With these actions, the IMSS reaffirms its commitment to the health and well-being of the youth population by addressing health promotion in schools, through a participatory and co-responsible model that involves various factors, including education, family and health services.



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